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I shouldn’t complain about the weather, after all tomorrow is DECEMBER and we were at 42 today. They are talking about actual winter weather on the way. 🙁

So today I went out to initial goal was 8 miles..I did 6 on in all honesty…this was a lofty goal. AND it was 28. I was dressed in layers, (running pants, two shirts, gloves and hat). I was FREEZING until about mile 2. Then I was sweating…

So I only did 4 miles. My legs were like concrete.

But I did 4 miles in less than 48 minutes (barely).

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*only* 4 mikes, she says.

Miles. ^ damn it.

November 30, 2011

Fantastic!!! THat cold weather is coming our way. 🙁 I have crap running clothes (sweat pants, t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, sweat shirt and head band -all cotton!). These worked for me in South Carolina but here, I think I need some real cold weather running stuff. Seriously thinking about your leg warmer idea! I can’t believe they’re back! 🙂