Movin’ on up….

So. It looks like I’m in for another big change. A few weeks ago, one of the Clinical Supervisors at work asked me if I’d consider coming to days on his unit. This is the same guy that, at the end of my training said I was a waste of good skill on night shift. It was flattering, Is flattering. And now he’s recruited me to days (well, actually evenings). There are a lot of pros and cons to this. Pro is that I can sleep at night again, and maybe not stay in bed all day long. Con is that it’s kind of a big pay cut. But it’s also a guaranteed 40hrs a week, whereas right now I’m not guaranteed ANY hours a week (although for a month I’ve been essentially full time, 5 days a week. But next week I’m only on 3 days) (And when I say days, I mean nights.) So for now, things’ve been good in the hours department, but that can always change. Another pro is having consistent days off. I’ll always have Mon/Tues off (at least, I think that’s what my schedule will be) which is nice in the Being Able To Plan Things department. Cuz as of now, I go week to week not knowing what days off I’ll have. Gets a little frustrating. Although it does lead to a Con- working nights I could plan anything on any given day (I just might’ve had to’ve given up sleep for it), whereas now I can -only- plan things for certain days/hrs. That does stink a bit. Another Pro tho is that I’ll be using my brain and -helping- people, something I desperately miss in my life. Night shift is easy and comfortable, but also mind numbingly boring. I’m nervous about working with the youth, but I figure I gotta step out of my comfort zone sometime in life, right? Right. Hopefully the mental satisfaction outweighs the pay cut, lol. And, even with the pay cut, I’ll still be making 3 dollars more an hour than I did at the caf, so if I look at it that way, it’s not *really* a cut. (This is the biggest con, can ya tell….)

Truth be told, I’m a little terrified of the change. I never do well with change. Or I never do well with the prospect of change is more like it. The actual change I usually handle ok. It’s the worrying, the What If’s that get me. Like I said, nite shift is comfortable…safe. I can’t screw up, all I am responsible for is making sure youth are still in their secured rooms. Or if I’m on IORT (the non secure side) just making sure the kids are in their rooms. So far, after 5 months, no one has ever tried to escape or given me any problems. Day shift (evening shift) is a whole different story. There are restraints (physical holds, not actual restraints like we used at the psych center) and yelling and a million ways in which I could fuck up. It’s not a job where you can be a wallflower. Buuuut. Steady hours. Better sleep. The pros outweigh the cons. Or I want them to, at least!!

In other news..Lucy is infested with fleas. *sigh* I have tried flea shampoo and the stuff you put on their necks,,,whatever that is,,,frontline or advantax or something. Some flea medication. But it hasn’t seemed to help much. I finally bought the stuff you spray on directly and that’s helped the most. But she still has fleas on her. Ugh. My poor girl. It frightens me how much I love this damn dog, who is, at the moment, leaning against my leg just hanging out. She’s really become a touchstone for me. Of course I would get seriously attached to a deaf, decrepit, not-altogether-nice little rat of a thing like her, lol. We’re two of a kind.

Ok, I should go do something productive, since I spent all day in bed, of course. Ughhhh,

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