Park south

So, I finally programmed one of the "favourites" list on my direct tv (previously the only channel I had in it was USA, so I could easily find Law & Order SVU). Now I have a dozen channels, ranging from The Women’s Channel to Spike. I might actually watch more tv now. Which would be good, since I’m paying for it. Might as well use it.

I ran Sat, Sun, Tues and Today. Ranging in intensity from 10 mins on Saturday to 20 mins and a mile and a half today. *sigh* I am so out of shape. But I’m finally done with the Lyme Disease antibiotics and I feel better. Stayed out of bed all day today. So. Yay for me. heh. Is this what I wanted to be when I grew up……Well. Hopefully things are going to get better. If I can just keep myself out of bed.

I even did a few loads of laundry and vacuumed today. Not even close to Cleaning All the Things. But it’s a start.

Charmed is on. hehe. So many yummy women in this show.

We are supposed to get a ton of rain today and tomorrow. But so far, nothing.

Awwwww. A commercial just came on for Mackinaw Island. *sniff*

Ok. Some pictures….





I’m so in love with those ears, that tooth. <3



I still look tired. And fat.


my fave…







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June 12, 2013

And Alyssa Milano…