
Well. I stayed out of bed most of yesterday and except for a 4 hr nap in the middle, did so again most of today.

Went to the dr, she ordered a buttload of blood tests.6 tubes worth! I secretly (not so secretly, actually) love going to my doctor cuz she’s uber cute and super nice and always listens to my myriad of conditions, and she’s been super supportive with the dozens of med changes I’ve required over the years. Did I mention she’s uber cute? Yeah, there’s that, too. 🙂

But. We also discussed putting me on birth control. Not for the controlling birth part of it, but for the regulatory bits. Apparently because I don’t get periods regularly, if at all, I’m at higher risk for osteoporosis and other things. I became more worried about this as I put two and two together and realized that if Gloria is being truthful and really did shatter her foot just by stepping wrong, she probably has osteoporosis (from years of alcoholism and drug abuse), but that further increases my risk of it, if she has it. The dr is also concerned about the possibility of polycystic ovary issues, which Gloria also has had.

So. I finally bit the bullet and agreed to go to a gynecologist. Ugh. Even tho I’m 34 I’ve never been and I’m really not looking forward to it. I have 20 days to mentally prepare myself. *exhales* eep.

I finished watching the rest of the Harry Potter movies today. I’ve decided I liked the first few and the last few more than I liked the middle few. *shrugs* I thought there were rumours that Dumbledore was gay, but after finishing the series I’m realizing they must’ve been about the actor and not the character, which disappointed me a bit, but oh well.

The dr did up my abilify, so I started that tonite. We’ll see how that goes. I’m already maxed out on the celexa. lah.

I wonder if the blood tests will turn up anything except laziness….:op


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(got your text(s! like 7 of them lol multi-sends your phone must’ve sensed your anxieties 😉 this morning) You NEED to go to the gyne dear one. Not just because of the polycystic stuff but yes because of your age & never having been & other reasons as well. I think B.C. actually leveled out my moods (I didn’t really dive deep into depression until I went off it, weird huh?). HORMONES!

It’s not terrible (the gyne) but it is uncomfortable. I will be straight up about it… & a little pinchy when they swab & stuff. Remember to BREATHE and also that it only lasts for MINUTES. Then you’re done.

May 12, 2013

Rowling said around 2008 that she had always considered Dumbledore gay while she was writing him. She said young Dumbledore fell tragically in love with Grindelwald. That led him to embrace dark wizarding ambitions as a youth and led to his sister’s death. Maybe it’s time to reread the seventh book. The last movies will really **** you up, but rereading the last book kind of straightens outthe movies and lets you forget about Harry making dates with muggle waitresses.