
Finished the Harry Potter series a few minutes ago. Could’ve done without the last chapter, but otherwise I enjoyed the series. I will probably watch the movies tomorrow, although the last few have disappointed me in their straying from the books.

I’m having a hard time finding motivation to get out of bed. Is that normal? I mean. I dunno. I know I’m depressed but still, this is a bit ridiculous. Sleeping 16 hours a day is a bit excessive.

Just letting myself be consumed by the lonely I guess.


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I’ve never been too bothered by movies straying from books as I tend to mostly see them as two separate things and just enjoy each for what they can offer. A movie will seldom do a book full justice. Time constraints alone… I’ve made peace with that. 🙂 If I could sleep 16 hours right now? I would&could.

For me I know in part it’s the deep lonelies. In part I’ve allowed myself to succumb to this round of depression and feelings of futility in this time of my life. In part I am just literally THAT tired. …don’t you do thyroid meds? Or am I mixing memories up? 🙂 Do you need some checking/adjustings? maybe?

May 6, 2013

spring has sprung. the grass has riz. that’s it’s job. yours is your own biz.

p.s. I was on my phone & OD did the “your note has been saved” & then posted twice thing. Just knowing it is there two times is making me insane! It wouldn’t let me delete one! 😀 LOL

I was recently lectured by a 12-year-old about not having read or seen any Harry Potty. She insisted on giving me book one which I still haven’t started and I’ve had it for a good six months. I just can’t get into it. I don’t know why.