stuff and things

I managed to stay out of bed all day today. Was up at 8 for therapy from 830-930. Off to MC for some snacking and reading until it was time for MMA class. Boxed for an hour, then did 5 rounds. Came home, paid some bills, went to wally world, got some paperwork signed at Chandyland that I needed for Medical Assistance. Read on the front porch. Set up a dog run rope thing for Lucers so she has some more freedom and can hang out with me while I’m on the porch. Walked to get some chinese food for dinner, took some pictures on the way home. Read some more. Watched some SVU and Archer and then went and boxed for another hour.

Yay me, I was a normal human being for a day.


Why’s it take so much damn effort?? Why is it so much easier to stay in bed for 24 hours and sleep my life away? Where’s my motivation, where’s my will to fucking live? Whatevs.

Left a msg on La’s FB the other day. She emailed back and said we should get together and catch up, so we’re doing that on Saturday after work. And work called and asked if I wanted to pick up an extra shift tomorrow night, which I said yes to, which makes four nights this week. YAY paycheck!! YAY reading! heh.

I’m about halfway thru Order of the Phoenix. I watched the first four HP movies this last week. I was disappointed in The Goblet of Fire, because they left out all of the stuff about the house elves, which I found to be a rather enjoyable part of the book. Also, Lucy’s ears look just like Dobby’s 🙂 She could be a house elf, I swear! Here she is enjoying some freedom….

Her ears most often stick up, but when she’s snarling or otherwise angry, they bend down and look very dobby-like. Man I love this dog. heh.

Anyways. Time to read some more. And then bed.



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DobbyLucy. 🙂 She’ll figure out the run, btw… it’ll just take some time.

Yay for extra shifts & getting together with La. & for *doing* even though it takes effort. I’m not *doing* a damn thing right now. (aside from the slam that is) Nothing above & beyond. Just existing. Even the running & yogaing & reading. It’s still rote & The List of things I can manage at this moment. I GO to work but it’s a fuzzy just get thru the hours thing. I am meandering…