OOB (out of bed)

That’s my goal, to stay out of bed. I’ve been spending days in bed. Literally, 24 hour chunks, getting up only to feed the animals and take the occasional bathroom break.

Today I got up at 810 for therapy at 830 (a.m.!) then went to MC for coffee and a croissant. Then off to MMA101 for an hour and a half of boxing and 5RoF (5 rounds of fitness…5 minute rounds of cardio conditioning). Then to the gym for 3.1 miles of running on the treadmill. Now I’m back at MC for lunch and to fill out insurance forms to hopefully keep my insurance with this new job.

Saturday I went to a workshop by Jean Jacques Machado ( http://www.jeanjacquesmachado.com/ ) at the dojo. (Leo’s dojo is officially affiliated with the Jean Jacques Machado school of BJJ.) He is a really cool guy and there was a ton to be learned from him.  Although I was exhausted cuz I had worked the night before, and then went to the workshop and banquet all day Saturday, then worked all night Saturday. I went to bed and crashed on Sunday morning. Slept for a day and a half. Weird, to wake up and have lost an entire day.

I have nothing much exciting to report. I’m halfway thru the 4th Harry Potter book. I will be reading that after I finish this and filling out the insurance papers.

I just saw Em and M in MC. It’s always so good to see them. They both look good.

I registered for another 5k next weekend. I’m not sure why, I know I’m gonna be uber slow again. *sigh* Oh well. Gotta keep plugging on or I’ll never get this weight off.

Ok. Need to go deal with these insurance papers. Ugh.

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This didn’t show up in my bookmarks. Nobody has really been noting me but you which is both freeing and sad. Freeing as I’ve just been saying whatever and sad because I miss my very small circle. But maybe it’s the malfunctioning bookmarks? Ugh OD!

Also hello busy! I feel like sleeping a day just reading all that! 🙂
