
So. Week One of training at new job: COMPLETE.

Thank gawd. I’m so overwhelmed. Not so much today as I was the last few days because today was all stuff I know/ found interesting. But seriously,. There’s so much. The training manual is huge. Here it is with the cat on it. And she’s not a small cat.

And it’s not that the stuff is boring or anything. It’s just intense, I guess. I’ve been working a mindless job for 4 years and my brain has forgotten how to process useful information, I think. I dunno. But I’ve come home every day and crawled in to bed just cuz my brain needs a break!

We’ve also been given chances to be on the units and observe. Thank goodness I worked on locked units at the psych center for so long or I’d be freaked the fuck out, I do believe. And the locked units are way more intense than the psych center ever was. I’m talking, locked doors to every room, controlled by the control room. So staff can’t even open doors, it’s all up to the guys sitting in their monitor-filled box, letting you pass through the maze of doors.

I-ORT (Intensive open residential treatment…?) is less intense, at least there aren’t as many locked doors. But it’s still kinda hardcore. Anytime the youth pass they say Excuse Me, so it’s 13 kids saying Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. Some with attitude, some without. But it’s awkward because saying "you’re excused" after each one is just…a lot. I usually just nod my head and mumble a "thanks" or two. And they have to ask before they do anything. Before they come out of their room, before they pass a certain point on the floor, before they go in a room, before they pick up a pencil (which staff holds on to unless the youth is using it at that time…)


For me, at least.

And hell, I’ll be working night shift and will barely even see most of these kids. But still. I’ve been out of the field for what feels like a long time. Guess ya gotta jump back in some time…..

Next week we learn ESPI….emergency situation physical intervention, I believe it stands for….how to take a kid down or hold them in a physical assist. I’ve done that before, at least, and we’ll be up and moving around. I’m such a lump, I didn’t run once this week. And I’m running a 5k next weekend! Oi vey. Although in my defense, the rec center has had limited hrs since it’s Spring Break, and the weather has been anything but conducive to running outdoors. Still. Hopefully next week I will get back in to the routine.

For now, sleep. oh em gee.

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March 24, 2013

xox *~

We slept together. He kept me warm. He made me wish fervently ALL night long that I had boy parts because we talked and drank and danced ALL night long and his eyes are delicious pools I could drown in. He said he was freezing. I said I was too. He said….

Well then. I’ll move closer then, we’ll share heat because this is ridiculous. And that was it. I dreamt inside his head all night until I couldn’t stand it and then I got up. He got up later apologized for hogging the bed and snuggled on the couch with me under an afghan. I wish I were a boy. 🙂

FYI by sleep time we were both stone cold sober. That somehow matters.

Yes. It was nice and so is he and just. Why would I crave a gay boy like that? Because all the obvious reasons, obviously. But also we talked about how he writes music, when we weren’t dancing he was singing (amazing) and just. Seriously, he’s also beautiful. *sigh* It was STILL VERY NICE.

And. I think also being a gay boy? He smelled REALLY GOOD.

So. There is my story. No story. But kinda.

p.s. I also fully realize I am not the 1st woman who has fallen in love with a gay man *grin* & I might drop that word & not drop it lightly. He left & I cried. I was overwhelmed. My friend assured me he’s just charismatic like that. She’s known him FOREVER. Said she was in LOVE with him too, for some time worked at turning him. *grin* ANYWAY. I hate that I can love all sorts of people like that.

I also love that I can love people like that (as in my heart is just open like that I mean). It’s just that it is so achey. 🙂