It’s Done

Well. It’s done. I went running. Then I came home, wrote a resignation letter, printed it out and went to work right then to hand it in. (Well, I showered and got dressed first). As of March 15th, I will no longer be employed at Chandyland. Tonite was the first good night of work I’ve had in a LONG time, lol, cuz I finally see the escape hatch, ya know?

Aaaand, I emailed La earlier to tell her the news and she responded back that she couldn’t wait to dish about her new job. So I offered to meet for coffee on Saturday. Dunno if she’ll accept, but at least I am back to believing we’re still friends even tho she doesn’t work there any more. Me and my inferiority complexes. Oi vey.

One exciting thing about this job, other than the paid 80hr training, is that they pay for all the clearances and such that are needed, as well as partially reimburse for the mandatory physical as well. Thank god I’ve been being a good girl, cuz there’s also a drug screening. Wee. (Or should that be wee-wee? ha. *rolls eyes*) So, as long as I pass the drug screening which I have to go in and take next week, and the physical and such, I should be all good to start training on the 18th of March. Hopefully there’s not a psychological exam pltzzzzz.

I get to sleep in tomorrow!!!! Yay 🙂

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So. YAY. In the La front too. Yes. You & your complexes. Girl, your complexes got complexes. 😀 xox Step Two: a healthy relationship. …shall we belly laugh together? (((TigerHugs)))

All joking aside, I am wishing for some spark in your life. Like a surprise, outta nowhere who woulda thunk it kinda thing. I am. For realz.