
Yesterday was La’s last day. I managed to only cry a little bit when she left, and it wasn’t really crying…just tears slipping by. But I had a helluva headache from trying *not* to cry. *sigh*

Today at the break table, the main boss was sitting there and someone was like "aw come on, aren’t you going to miss her even a little bit" and he flat out said No, he wasn’t. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying "it’s cuz she had more balls than you…" *SIGH* I had to cater today. It sucked. I didn’t want to be there, and we never get a break to eat anymore. I mean, we have plenty of down time, but we used to get a plate of food and eat in the back and now it seems we never do, which made it suck more.

After catering I did go run on a treadmill, but only for 2 miles.

I hope we don’t get freezing rain tonite. I really want to go to a meeting in the morning.

I should be reading my book club book. We meet tomorrow nite and I’m only halfway done. I’m just finding it sooooo boring. A chore instead of a treat. Oh well.

I dreamt the other nite that I was in France and had to climb up the Eiffel tower because that was the only way to find my sister’s car (in real life it was her car first, then she gave it to me when I graduated, but in the dream it was still her car) which was parked in the middle of a desert. It was all very odd.

I haven’t felt well the last two days. Stress, maybe, or PMS. I dunno.

No word on the other job. I’ve mostly given up hope. Whatevs.

At least I have my Lucy and the kitties.

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February 8, 2013

I miss La.

Northern Lights. Right from here. Better viewing from the beach at my moms which is only a few miles from here. Condition specific. I haven’t actually seen them in years but I try to watch for “they’re gonna be around reports”! I used to just see them because I was young, depressed and an insomniac & spent a lot of time at the beach late at night. 🙂 <3 you. You aren’t alone. Though I get lonely.

I’m sorry it was La’s last day. ((hugs))