
One day a week I work in the office at work, maintaining the webpage/facebook page/etc. That day is Wednesday. Which is today. So that’s what I did from 8-430. I love working in the office, cuz I get to hear all the secret things I’m not supposed to hear, lol. And cuz I find the banter that goes on between La and the supervisors hilarious. Anyways…it’s now official (to the sups and to me, but not to the rest of the associates) that La is leaving in 2 weeks. *sighs* I am so happy for her but…bummed. I will miss her- she made that place bearable. Also, I am bad at change. heh. Oh well. Thank gawd she gave me so much notice. I’ve had months to get used to this. Otherwise I’d be a mess, I think.

Speaking of jobs. I spoke to the woman at the place I interviewed. She has no final decisions yet, because there is a job fair this Thursday and they want to wait til after that, I guess. So she’ll let me know next week. Ugh. So. Still more waiting. But at least I know I haven’t been totally ruled out. Aaaaand, there might be a part time night shift available. Which if there was, I might consider going part time at the caf if they’d let me, and then doing the other position part time, too. I’d still end up making more than I make full time at the caf, cuz part time at the new place would be $15/hr compared to my $8/hr….Even full time at the new place would obviously be more, though they pay less for full time cuz you’re eligible for benefits, so it’d only be 10 or 11/hr. Still. That’s better than I’m making now…It’s just all the change that will get to me. So bad at it!

Went for a very short run after work. Only a mile and a half. My legs are SO sore from jiu jitsu the other night, oh my goodness. So achy. A good ache, but still. And I was sweating hardcore. So I quit early. *sigh* I feel like I’m never going to get back to 3 miles on my own. Hopefully Emi will come visit on Friday again and kick my arse in to it!

Oh well. I should go read some of my book club book. I am not a fan of it, but I feel like I should power through anyways. We are reading Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan. It’s very British, which I don’t normally mind…but it’s one of those books where I feel like I’d be getting a whole lot more from it if I were from England and knew all the lingo that was being thrown around, and that a lot of the things I have to look up would be common knowledge-y kinds of things. Ah well, ah well. All the other ladies probably loved it. I’m just not an intellectual I guess!


So, La just called on her way home from work. I think just to bitch, lol. But it made me feel better (I had texted her, mentioning how her leaving was going to hit me pretty hard, even tho I’d had so much time to let it sink in). I’d really like our friendship to outlast her position at work. So hopefully we can still have coffee on Saturdays and such. *fingers crossed*

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January 30, 2013

I think I remember something Ian McEwan wrote. It was a line of character dialog where the character looked at a Coke machine in a London hospital and said or thought, “Only an American would think of drinking something so sweet as Coca Cola.” The title Sweet Tooth seems related. Is it derogatory toward crude American culture? I hope your changes work out well. I used to know somebody Iimagine was like La in our food services and I know everybody who remembers her misses her and how special she made the experience–at least those who were receptive to it. Some people are immune to special and/or resent it and we had some of that, too. To me, anybody who resented her should not have been working with the public and maybe just plain should not be working because they probably weren’t really earning it and resented her for showing a better way and a better spirit.

I’m sad for you but also glad that you two have had a chance to become friends in the meantime. I also hope that continues. And maybe it will make letting go easier for you now if an opp pops. 🙂