
Well, I worked all day…as in 9a-8p yesterday. What a way to jump in to the new semester. It wasn’t too bad though. Definitely less straining than line running and WAY less stressful than working in Grill/Mongo, so. Yay for cashiering. Today I worked from 7a-330p. Not too bad today either, although between 11 and noon we pushed almost 600 kids through, so that was a fun rush.

I actually came home, changed my clothes, and went for a run after work. The rec was PACKED, ugh. So many people on the track, so I did 2 miles on a treadmill and left. Afterwards I searched all over town for a Guitar Hero guitar, but they apparently don’t sell that game anywhere anymore. Oh well. I shall try eBay, I guess. Now I’m just biding my time until jiu-jitsu class starts. I really want to start doing BJJ and boxing again, I miss it. So I’m forcing myself to stay awake so I can get to the class from 730-9 tonite. It works out well, because I don’t work til afternoon tomorrow, so I don’t have to worry about being too tired or anything. Wee.

I finally called the place I interviewed at. The lady I needed to talk to wasn’t in, so I left her a voicemail and hopefully she’ll call back tomorrow….

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Hi! I just remembered I promised you a note about the browser freezing. Most people who have had the problem were using firefox and switched to chrome, and that seems to have solved their issues.

Staying awake to work out at night? You’ve way more willpower than I!! 😀

Also ((HUGS)).