Ring again!

Well, here I am waiting for the phone to ring again. Not waiting on La this time though. Waiting on the job offer/denial call. UGH! I did email them and let them know my change of status as far as availability goes, so there’s that. Now just wait and see, wait and see. It’s already 4pm, so I don’t think it will be happening today. I suppose they could actually be calling my references/past jobs. Or they’re just not calling until tomorrow or Wednesday. If I don’t hear from them by Wednesday, I will call them cuz the guy who interviewed me said they’d let me know in a few days.

It was a semi-busy weekend. Well, busy for me by my current standards! On Saturday I took the desk to La’s, helped her carry it upstairs and set it up, and stayed for a cup of coffee and some chatter. Then I drove home, returned John’s car and picked up mine. Went for a long run outside & stopped by the caf cuz La didn’t have any cash in the morning and told me to stop by and she’d pay me then. So I did. Stayed and talked to her and Chef for a bit, then ran home, showered, and headed off to see Emi! She lives about an hour away, maybe a little less. We went to the grocery store, cooked dinner, played some scrabble, watched some south park and SVU and headed to bed

Sunday we got up and made pancakes and then headed to the ‘burgh in search of a winter coat for her. Also corduroys for her. We spent the day shopping and were mildly successful. (1 pair of cords, and a coat from Target, lol.) and then I headed home.

It was a good weekend. I bought a crazy expensive GPS watch that I will probably return on Saturday, but I saw it and have been wanting one and it was cheaper than I’ve seen them, so I impulsively bought it. Oops.

Now I should get up and go to the gym. J’s deal was that I had to run 4 times in order to come to my appt (I’m sure she’ll let me come anyways) and I’ve only run 3, and tomorrow is appt day. So. Here I go. Even tho the dog is curled up warm and snoozing against me and I just want to stay in bed. Oh well, here goes…..

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