Another day of nothing

I did manage to go run for a mile and a half and bike for 7. I have a strange pain in my hip joint when I run, which is mildly alarming. I keep hoping it’s just from staying in bed too much and being out of shape, but today I walked to the rec center instead of driving, and it hurt on the walk as well as on the run. Boo.

Otherwise I’ve done nothing but continue to watch Asylum. I’m almost all caught up, which is exciting cuz there’s a new ep on regular tv tonite, I believe, which hopefully my tv will record. That is one downside of watching current tv…I’m impatient for endings and resolutions, and there’s still a few more eps of this season, I believe, which means weeks of waiting!

Tomorrow I am going to go to the FH and work on the room I’m helping them with- painting and such. I have it mostly done, just one more door frame. It needs the paint scraped, then to be sanded, primed and painted, then I’ll be done. That’s my goal tomorrow….to at least work on that a little. No more excuses to lay in bed. Wee.

I do love this dog 🙂

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I love her jacket! I have some hip stretches you can try! I should email them to you. I’m still at it every other day. 2.5 miles today. 5mph sprints. Felt goooooddddd :).