blip blip blip

I need to write more, it has been decided. And I really have no excuse not to. I finally have my own internet, and can take my laptop anywhere in the apt I want without having to stay perched in a window or contorted on the bed. I certainly have the time- I’m on break from work until the end of January. Ah, but the final item…I’ve nothing to write about. I don’t do anything anymore.
Not true, not true. I started running on the 1st. And ran again yesterday, and hope to get my ass in gear and run again today.
I need to take more photographs. Or rather, need to do something with all the photos I have taken! I need to search out mags and see if I can submit some stuff. Not that I have the money, but MY CAR IS PAID OFF!!!!!! So, even tho I immediately signed up for expensive cable and internet, I still have a few extra dollars a month. Or at least, things aren’t as tight as they were. Of course, that’s cuz I’m ignoring the student loan bills that are due soon. I really should deal with those today. Or maybe monday. Ha. Some things never change….
P’raps I’ll buy a subscription. That seems silly tho…subscribing to a sinking ship. I should’ve gotten a lifetime membership back when such things existed! Oh well.
This is a start.

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January 4, 2013

Welcome back. Kill your TV.

January 4, 2013
