
I was gonna write about the car accident that I was in (totally my fault) today and how everything was mostly ok about it until the officer informed me that my license was coming back as suspended. but when i try to, i just start getting totally upset and freaked out about it so i’m going to go play guitar hero instead.

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*hugs* Are *you* okay?

April 4, 2008


Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this news. Hope you weren’t injured and that no one else was injured. Big hugs.


…and (((hugs)))

April 5, 2008

whoa. suspended?? WTF. i’m glad you’re alright, at least. xoxo *~

April 5, 2008

Perhaps you’re still in shock from the accident, and you’re not yet ready to think about it and deal with the feelings associated with it yet. Just give it some time. Hugs.