
I know I’ve been absent again forever. Maybe I’ll update. Maybe I won’t.
Until then:

Stolen from Temmy

1. A is for age:
28 years 361 days

2. B is for beer of choice:
I don’t drink beer

3. C is for career right now:
TSS- therapeutic staff support

4. D is for your dog’s name?
no dogs at the moment. last one was Spooky

5. E is for essential item you use everyday:
Zebra F-301 fine point black ink pen

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
don’t watch tv. Grey’s Anatomy was the only one I watched, before the strike. Fav non-current show- X-Files

7. G is for favorite game:

8. H is for Home town:
North Huntingdon

9. I is for instruments you (wish you) play(ed):
finally learning guitar, after years (decades?) of wishing I knew how.

10. J is for favorite juice:
white grape peach mix

11. K is for whose butt you’d like to kick:
my client’s mom’s

12. L is for last place you ate:
elementary school cafetorium

13. M is for marriage:
and F is for fallacy, what’s your question?

14. N is for your full name:
once upon a time it was melanie marie melko

15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
2. birth and when I was 14 I had my thyroid removed and was in the hospital for 3 days. Oh, 3 if non-medical stays count…

16. P is for people you were with today:
my client, the other kids in the class, the teachers, my therapist

17. Q is for quote:
“what is, is.” -j- Tho today the quote in my brain is: “…and the pouring rain is no place for a bicycle ride/ you try to hit the brakes and you slide and you slide and you slide….” -ani d-

18. R is for Biggest Regret:
hurting jonathan

19. S is for status:
uh….I’ll go with buffering?

20. T is for time you woke up today:
late, as usual. 820 or something. (Well, the first time was 4am. The second was 7am.)

21. U is for underwear you have on now:
bright pink

22. V is for vegetable you love:
snap peas or green beans or brussel sprouts….I’m a fan of veggies.

23. W is for worst habit:
Procrastination (That’s Lannie’s answer. I’ll think of an answer of my own tomorrow.) (That’s Temmy’s answer. I’ll think of one later :p)

24. X is for x-rays you’ve had:
teeth x’s a million, shoulder x’s at least two (plus an MRI), thumb

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
granola is the only thing I ate today

26. Z is for zodiac sign:
pisces, which I always spell incorrectly.

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March 4, 2008

Is your shoulder better? Grape peach sounds yummy. I wish sugar didn’t do such bad things to me. 820 is a fine time to get up. Especially now that it’s light out then.

If you’re a Pisces then you’ve probably just had a birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! =)

March 4, 2008

mmm. granola. whole foods has this totally wicked granola that’s like, pumpkin pie flavored. it’s in the bulk bin section. that sh*t is dangerous. xox *~

I’m glad to see you back. I’ve missed you. I’ve been reading you as long as any of my favorites, and it just doesn’t feel the same when you’re not around. *hugs*

omg. M is for marriage. Your answer cracks me up. 😀

March 5, 2008
