[enter quietly, SL]

hmm. More than a month without an entry, public private or otherwise. Odd, for me. Major computer problems and then the daunting task of trying to catch up with faves. I haven’t even been logging on to OD much. But randomly I did the other nite, and saw that Firebabe had updated. And what can I say, she’s irresistable. 🙂

So I haven’t caught up on my faves. But I decided to say eff it and write anyways. Especially since Growlie didn’t show up for school today, so I’m at home with nothing to do for the next 2.5 hours.

That’s not to say there aren’t things that I should be doing 🙂 Although, my apartment is actually *clean* for the first time since….uhm….since I moved in. Cuz I went to my sister’s for 5 days and that necessitated someone actually coming over to tend to the animals, which meant there was no choice but to clean. And I did some laundry at H’s, tho I have about 6 more loads waiting in the car to be done. But I have enough clean clothes to get me thru to either the next visit to H’s or the next paycheck, whichever comes first.

I *could* finish making my holiday cards (hey, I’m early this year, it’s not even February yet!!) Or work on the stars I am making for a few people as holiday gifts. Or make the cd’s I need to burn for people. Or work on the art council website. Or clean the hamster cage, lizard tank, or cat pan.

Or I might just curl up and watch some Stargate SG-1, or read the 4th Stephanie Plum novel. 🙂

Log in to write a note

Happy New Year hugs… been thinkin’ about you the past few weeks… wondering how you were doing. xxoo,

January 2, 2008

welcome back 🙂

I’ve been wondering where you’d been.

I’d totally curl up and read! =) I’m a bad influence. hee hee I’ve been thinking about you.

January 5, 2008

yay, you’re back!