
computer is going to cost $150 to fix. And that’s NOT including getting rid of the spyware. But i told him to just fix the monitor and install the dvd/cd drive (that i got online for 60, as opposed to the 200 that is the retail price for it. geesh. it’s refurbished, but hopefully works) Don’t have it back yet tho (am babysitting for Jennifer, and convinced her kids to play together so i could steal a few minutes on the computer. but my plan is deteriorating, cuz they have a hard time getting along nicely for more than 2 seconds at a time cuz they little one just turned five and has decided she no longer is going to be bossed around by the 8 year old. the 8 year old is not adjusting to this change very well….)

oh, and today’s mail:

notice that my driver’s license is suspended as of December.

I love life. *grrrr*

in happier news- mum’s case of MRSA seems to be gone, as is much of one of her toes. But when they cut it off, they at least got all of the infection, it seems, so that’s good.

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November 3, 2007

Well, this makes me mad and I should just shut up and skulk away but I won’t. These days, you oughta be able to get a stellar DVD drive for 60 bucks retail. +-RW, 16x, all the blahblah included. And for $150 you could get a bigger, flatter monitor that’s new. For 200 you could get a huge one. Kick the repair guy in the nuts for me. He’s either deliberately ripping you off or self-deluded. There are plenty of both kinds in the local computer business. Either way, you are getting bad advice. There are millions of web pages that will tell you how to get rid of spyware yourself. The ones that don’t ask for money are best ones, but be careful of “free” downloads that install themselves and then hold your computer ransom. That’s a big racket. If you tell me what the spyware is called, I can show you honest web sites with fixit advice and no schemes for ripping you off.

November 3, 2007

I am proud of the 8 year old. From what I’ve been reading lately, Mum might be lucky to still be alive.

I’m sorry to hear about your mum’s toe, but am glad she’s doing better. Why is your license going to be suspended?

November 3, 2007

Glad about you Mom hun…although sorry that it had to go to the extent of actually having her toe amputated. Ouchie! *Hugs.* Anyway…hope the kids have managed to calm down for you somewhat, so you can try to maintain your sanity. LOL. 🙂 Hugs honey.

Glad they got all the infection, though I’m sorry she lost most of her toe.

November 3, 2007


November 4, 2007

ryn: It probably takes special tools to get inside where the video cables live, but the DVD player in most laptops comes out with the flip of a lever so you can insert a 2nd hard disk mounted in a rack that fits in the same space. There used to be a girl who wrote here who liked Russian music and got infected by every spyware known to the Russian mob, which is most of them. I wish she was still around because she knew how to remove everything.