Just so we’re all clear on that.
The package is at a facility fortyfuckinfive minutes from my house, and is scheduled as “not due for delivery” until TUESDAY. Even tho I paid extra money for 2-3 day shipping, and it was shipped out Thursday. Apparently Friday is day one, MONDAY is day 2 and Tuesday is day 3. EVEN THOUGH they deliver on Saturdays. WTF????????????

I am SO ANGRY right now it’s not EVEN funny.

Mostly because my fucking computer has blown up. Apparently has spyware and trojan virus’ and all that other shit, and I am thinking it’s the damn VIRUS PROTECTION PROGRAM that I dl that did it. Cuz now it keeps doing the “oooh, you better upgrade” thing. FUCKERS.


And I can’t see the screen unless I hold a flashlight to it at a certain angle (I’m at the FH right now, typing this, cuz I came over to try and see when my package would be delivered, cuz I was expecting it TODAY and was gonna hang out at their house so the people didn’t leave the “needs a signature” thing on the door.

And my last fedex package didn’t come til nearly 7pm.


This, on top of the fucking loan shit, AND the fact that I need to renew my car registration by, oh, the 31st AND pay car loan by the 1st not to mention anything ELSE that comes up/goes wrong. Oh, like the $110 bill from the ER from my thumb x-rays and shit.

whatever. What the fuck ever.

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October 27, 2007

Sorry about this hun. Hope it all works out and gets better for you soon. Comforting and Compassionate Hugs for You!

I hate FedEx too.

Aack! Thinking of you, hon.