slamming windows

Well. I don’t think I broke my finger, but I certainly damaged it. I was closing the windows in the apt, cuz it’s finally FALL weather (thank furk), and I managed to slam it down on my thumb. Went numb and swelled up quite a bit. And I couldn’t bend it at first. Now I can bend it halfway, almost. There’s a little cut that seems to be seeping fluid. Fun. It hurts when I bend it and now that I’ve been typing it hurts too, but otherwise if I don’t bang it, it’s ok. Under the cuticle is all red like blood blister colour and it’s still swollen enough that the ring that is loose on my other thumb won’t even go over the first joint. Ugh.

And I’m trying to make a collage for the Girl Scout pin ceremony tomorrow. Cutting is ever so much fun with a sore thumb. :/ Oh well.

I’m also watching The Wizard of Oz. I remember we used to watch it every year when it came on, in my mum’s bedroom. But apparently it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen it, cuz I didn’t remember most of the beginning at all. I also realized that it’s sepia, rather than b&w.


“I’d be clever as a gizzard if only I could see the wizard”

heh. Interesting line. Maybe I’m hearing it incorrectly…

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October 10, 2007

that movies scares me…. hope your thumb is okay. ice it? *hugs*

October 10, 2007

No, you’re hearing it right…lol. Lyrics on some of the songs were a little odd….eh? Sorry about your finger…:( take care…

“If I only had a brain, a heard, the nerve.” Now I want to watch it, too! =) Hope your finger heals quickly.

My mom didn’t like me watching it because the flying monkeys terrified her when she was little. I closed my thumb in the dishwasher a few weeks ago. =o(

October 11, 2007

Yikes, poor finger..I’m sorry. I love the Wiz.