not gonna rain on my parade

So….last nite after I left the art show judging, I was rather giddy and wanted to share my news with…EVERYONE! lol. I called Elisabeth, cuz she’s helped me with framing and picking mattes and such, and she appreciates my photography. She was very excited for me. And I called L, who was equally ecstatic with me. And of course I wrote about it here, and today I texted ppl about it, namely J and H. J was brief, but positive.

H. Well. Heh. I love her to pieces. But sometimes I’m undeniably reminded why I am more likely to share things with my friends than with my family.

My text read:
One of my pics won 2nd in the art show! Out of forty!!

Her response:
Cool. And…

And…i love you?!

Any prize? In paper?

Money and prolly in paper

And prestige!

Ah. The glory!

Lah. I just see things so differently than her, I guess. Cuz I was totally kidding about the prestige part. But I was trying to think of what to say that would make it…*mean* something to her? Cuz. Apparently the fact that I won, or even entered, doesn’t mean much. Which makes me sad.

But. Different priorities, I guess. My family is all about money and I….am not. You could say I am all about art. Or all about….meaning. I guess they find their meaning in money. I never have and never hope to. I’ll take silver and zirconia over gold and diamonds any day, cuz I think they’re prettier. I guess it’s just a matter of chance that silver is ‘cheap’. And sure, I like how diamonds sparkle. But I also like how glass sparkles if its cut right….

Yet still, I admit, I am disappointed that she’s not excited with me, that she never comments on any of the pics I send her, even the ones of her beautiful kids. I’m disappointed that there has to be an “And….”

But whatever. My friends are happy for me, and I’m still rather speechless about it all. And it’s time for bed! Work tomorrow. Back to Growlie and his growliness :oD

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My family is all about the almighty dollar, too. When I run 3rd place in a State competition for stenography(had to compete at my local high school to even go to Regionals, then compete and Regionals and win first place, and then finally got to State where I competed against the top students across the State — there were about 60 of us), my sister’s first words were: “I thought you were going towin first place.” Talk about bursting my balloon!!! Whenever I get a new job or do something fabulous new endeavor, my Dad’s first comment is always: “How much money do you make,” or “How much did they pay you for that?” ** sigh ** The money is irrelevant to me. I totally get where you’re coming from.

I may not be family, but I’m happy for you. =o)

September 30, 2007

Congrats anyway 🙂 I’ve said it before elsewhere but…I still mean it!

September 30, 2007

I AM excited and VERY proud of you!

RYN: Uh, well, depending on the circumstances, my bits either dangle down or stick out. =)