singer, shine your light!

why am i awake and online at 3am? (i must be lonely….)
maybe still on a bit of a high from the namoli concert. oh my goodness. i couldn’t help it. as soon as she started singing, i started smiling and couldn’t stop. it was actually kind of funny cuz i was like “ok, you probably look really dumb with that stupid grin on your face” but i totally couldn’t stop! heheh.

and as an added bonus, j was there and i got a lovely hug or three from her. heh. i better slow down today (yesterday)….got hugs from L *and* J, two of my all time fav huggers. gonna od on them or something. lah.

also got a few nice hugs from namoli, who continues to be uber-cute. (as well as amazing)

got a really nice compliment the other day- l had been talking to our boss and was mentioning that she maybe hired one too many tss’ lately, and wasn’t going to have the hours to keep everyone at their current status, and i guess she told L that she needed to find another kid for me, cuz I was a really good tss and she didn’t want to lose me. So that was nice 🙂 I do think I do an ok job with Growlie. As well as anyone else could do, at least.

Anyhow. Today I got a memo in my box about the other kid that TB (boss) was/is thinking about giving me. Apparently he’s also a handful. Kindergarten aged. HOH, doesn’t like his hearing aids. uses sign language, a bit. Likes to take all his clothes off, and also likes to wander away from the house as often as he can.

Growlie’s hours decreased this week, so I’m down to 30hrs a week. Taking on this new kid would give me some overtime, but it would be approved OT. BUT. I don’t know how smart it would be to take on two really high stress level kids. Yes, I need the money. But. Growlie is a whole lot to handle. I’m still pretty worn out, emotionally, when i get home from a whole day of school with him every day. Cuz most days *everything* is a battle. Hell, today I ended up in the boys’ bathroom twice just to get him out.

It would be a really neat opportunity to work with this other kid- I do know some sign, and it would force me in to relearning what i know and actually *using* it. But I don’t want to give up Growlie (esp with his Dx…having his tss changed would only solidify his belief that everyone hates him and no one cares about him or wants to be around him.) cuz despite his defiance, I really do like the kid.

so. I told TB that if it were a situation where she *needed* someone for this other boy, that I would do it. But that if she had someone else to offer the hours to, that they could have them. I don’t want to burn out quite so early in this job!

So, namoli was telling a story tonite, about how in Calif she was playing a show, and these people in the front row were all on cell phones being all valley girl-ish. And then, when I got someone to take an obligatory picture of she and I, she was like “oh geez, can’t you just like, paste someone else’s face on there? I hve a weird look!” So. That explains the photo……

(personally I think I’m the weird looking one…oi.)

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September 26, 2007

I bet a little yoga in the moring every day would help you through it!

I’m often asked to pose for photos to help make others look normal by comparison.

*laughs* that pasted pic is FUNNY. 🙂 ryn: & right–Cheboygan w/ a C. Try Michigan-ish. 😉

Glad the concert was fun and you got great hugs! =)

RYN: Really? Usually hookers wear big knee-high hooker boots.