l wish i could breathe.

up til 3am last nite cuz every time i laid down, my nostrils would clog and I couldn’t breathe. I can NOT sleep breathing thru my mouth. My voice is a few notches lower than usual. I have a *slight* cough. And my mucous is clear. So far, so good. I don’t *think* i’m running a fever. So I’m hoping I really do just have allergies (holy goldenrod, batman) or it’s just a regular cold, and not going to turn in to bronchitis.

I can’t afford to be sick. I still owe the dr’s office money from the last time i went in, months ago. And my bank account is currently in the negatives again.

Today, however, was pretty good as far as Growlie is concerned. Didn’t have to call his parents for a change.

Babysat for JV’s kids tonite- sat and watched Harry Potter. So I’ve now seen the first 1/3 of that movie 3 times, and the first 1/2 to 3/4 once. heh. Maybe one day I’ll see the whole thing. And maybe with the money she gave me, I can buy some decongestant tomorrow at wally world. ugh.

After babysitting, went to the last bit of the Allies meeting. I think I mostly go so I can get kisses from Seamus. (Doc P’s golden retriever). But it disturbs me slightly to be in such enclosed quarters with a bunch of 18 years olds who think and talk about sex almost constantly. Not to mention the creepy, creepy old man who does the same….

[woot– 10.13!]

Tomorrow is work and then girl scouts and then LOTS OF SLEEP.

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September 20, 2007

Hugs honey. Take care.

Hope you feel better soon.

YAY sleep! That’s where I’m a Viking!! =o) RYN: Smartass. I wrote my entry before the DM posted that. In fact, he probably did his entry because he was hearing rumors that DA was upset. =oP

Get lots of sleep & feel better soon!

September 21, 2007

Ryn- You’re quite welcome my love. 🙂 Hugs and take care.