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September 14, 2007

Nieces and nephews are the practical alternative to child-bearing. Unfortunately for me when I grew up, all my aunts and uncles had plenty of their own children, so I was just another mouth to feed and butt to whack.

Glad the looooong week is over. Blessings to you.

September 14, 2007

enjoy the baby snuggles 🙂 *hugs*

ryn: Exactly, you’ll enjoy reading my response to her. 😀

I could really use some baby snuggles. Get a few for me, okay?

September 14, 2007

awww @ babysnuggles

Hope you had a good weekend! ryn: No, as the 80s loving nerd that I am, I’ll have to correct you back. It’s MacGuyver with an A in there. http://www.imdb.com/ti tle/tt0088559/ (I added a space in the link that shouldn’t be in there because OD is giving me shit about saving the note)

Oh wait, I did spell it wrong. There’s an A but no U. Oops! 🙂