i wasn’t tagged but…

I’m doing it anyways….

Here’s how you play. Once you have been tagged, you have to write an entry with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

1. I got to hear namoli brennet’s newest cd before almost anyone else in the whole world (it hasn’t even been released yet. She sent me one of her preview ones that they sent to her), and that makes me feel special in a giddy kind of way.

2. Every time I see a silver/white hair on my head, I get excited

3. I really want to be a foster parent, but I don’t think I’ll be able to cuz I’ll want to keep the kid instead of give it back.

4. When I was little, I used to collect snails in a shoebox (and was always surprised when they were gone the next morning. heh.)

5. Being under water is one of the most comforting feelings to me.

6. I adore flying in airplanes, even tho I’m moderately afraid of heights.

7. I think I’m developing an emotional crush on the teacher where I work cuz she’s a. gorgeous b. super amazing with the kids and c. maternal

8. When I was little and thought about bad (“naughty”?) things, I was always afraid that when I died, everything bad or naughty I ever thought would be projected on a screen and everyone would know I was a bad person.

9. I always thought that my sister was (and is) the most beautiful girl ever.

10. I had braces for a freaking eternity when I was little cuz I never wore my rubber bands. (we’re talking like, 5 years? 6 years?)

dorkus aloneus
simple mind
princess of doom
to read others

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I think I almost took as long with my braces too. My orthodontist was a dick. He’d spend all his time flirting with the girl patients, and if I got three minutes with him in a check-up, I was lucky. But it was okay, his assistants (who took care of me) were cute. >=o)

# 1 cool… 🙂 …crushes & sisters & silver hairs and rubber bands… (((hugs)))

September 14, 2007

giggled at the snails… im thinking, im thinking, how weird am i????? ai yi yi. giant hugs.