Another day done.

Well. TT is gone for good (supposedly). His mom came today and took him out and said he was never coming back. fun.

But. Chatterbox is also (apparently) gone for good, too 🙁 Rumour has it that his mom is going to home school him now. There’s something fishy about the whole situation and I have a nagging suspicion that there’s a bit of child abuse going on. But he’s not the kid I’m in charge of and I only have heresay and nothing remotely foundable, so.

My kid was so-so today. Called his mom, but just had him talk to her on the phone and not come in. He was a bit more manageable after that. I just feel like I’m not doing something right. Cuz at one point I left- I was standing and counting to myself, and the Aide came over and was like “go for a walk…” so I did. And I came back, and Growlie was working perfectly fine for her.

Now, she did have to step away and he continued working for me, so there’s that. But I just get frustrated cuz I don’t seem to be helping him even a tiny little bit. He just growls at me and runs away from me. It’s hard not to take it personally. blah. TGTF.

I’ve made it to work on time every day this week. Go me.

I’ve also come home with a killer headache almost every day this week. And today I feel like I’m getting a sinus and/or ear infection. Growlie is all stuffed up and his voice is totally different, and one of the TSS’ was out today cuz she was sick. So it’s going around. Bleurgh.

Art Council meeting tomorrow nite and then to H’s on Saturday to babysit the munchkins for the weekend. Then it all starts again on Monday.

I’m gonna watch some X-Files now.

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