
Today was such a long day. The Troublemaker was back today. He starts as soon as he gets in the room. Most of the other kids, mine included, generally are triggered by identifiable things. They may be small things and it might only be in hindsight that any of us see what it was. But generally there is a cause and effect relationship (Ok, it’s much less simple than that, but I’m too tired to explain.) Anyways. But TT (the troublemaker) has only been in class for about 3 days this year. One of those days he ended up leaving half way thru the day because of his behaviour. He came back today. And he starts as soon as he walks in. Just being defiant and rude and throwing stuff off of his desk. Before the teacher even has a chance to say or do anything, he’s going off and screaming and just….being disruptive. He’s a little punkass and he annoys me.

Growlie did ok today. Still a struggle to get his work done, and he missed his Special cuz he didn’t have it done. And then TT went off big time and so Growlie started complaining (justifiably so) that he couldn’t concentrate. Yet he refused to go outside and work on stuff with me. He would with the teacher, but not with me. Which gets to me. But whatever.

So in the midst of this- TT punching walls, tipping desks, swearing, etc, the teacher gets called downstairs. One of the other kids who was in his Special was going off. I feel bad, cuz apparently he went off cuz he got a zero for something. Now, each of the TSS’s are in charge of the point sheets for their kid. (Which is understandable. But it would be more fair if the teacher or aide was in charge, cuz then each kid would be being judged by the same person.) So, behaviours that Chatterbox does earn him a 1, whereas if I were his TSS, I’d be giving him a zero. His TSS tho, is a self-admitted pushover. (Her words, not mine) Well, she was talking to a bunch of us yesterday, and she asked my opinion and I told her- yeah, some of the things he did would earn zeros from me. But I also told her it was her kid and we had different standards cuz our kids are different kids. But she decided she needed to crack down on him. Which started today.

It didn’t go so well.

I believe it ended up with him being handcuffed and taken off the premises by police. (Which I think was uncalled for. He’s a very small kid. I could’ve prolly picked him up and carried him. Granted, not by myself while he was thrashing and fighting. But the police could’ve just physically restrained him rather than cuffing him.) *sigh*

I dunno. My kid gets 3 and 4 zeros a day. I think his lowest yet is 2. His highest was 12 or so- that was Monday when he spent all morning refusing to do work and growling and hissing and being under desks and we had to call his mom and L in. One of the other kids usually gets 1 or 2 every day. Chatterbox rarely even gets a 1 on his point sheet, let alone a 0. Personally I think she’s way too easy on him. Or maybe I’m just mean and too strict? I dunno. But it’s better to start off strict than start off easy and get walked on. But also, Growlie doesn’t necessarily ‘care’ when he gets a zero. I mean, he does but it doesn’t cause him to totally have a meltdown. Chatterbox breaks in to tears at the mention of a 1, and then requires half an hour to be talked down from having a fit. He has this idea that he has to be perfect and get nothing but twos. He says that’s what his parents tell him. And maybe they do, I don’t know.

Heh. And we all thought MY kid would be the first to totally crash. And especially today, we all figured it would be TT to be hauled out, certainly not Chatterbox.

My gawd I’m exhausted tho.

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September 12, 2007


Long day. Thinking of you.

Such a tough environment. No wonder you’re so tired. *hugs*