
another bat in the place. couldn’t catch this one, tho. thankfully i am pretty sure it’s not rabid or anything, just making a wrong turn at albequerque.
i’ve been watching House for about 3 hours. I need to go to bed, but I think I’m gonna pop the next dvd in.
the training for SS wasn’t bad. Mostly just going over billing and paperwork and stuff. they’re a LOT more structured than where i was before, which is a good thing.
i should be excited. new job, some money coming in. working with a little kid.
but mostly?
mostly i’m just acquiring new scars.

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I wonder how the bats are getting in. Any ideas?

August 8, 2007

bats would worry me. good luck in your life sweetie.

Oh, my sweet, sweet Echo. (((((((soft, gentle hugs)))))))

August 8, 2007

*hugs* love you