
i’m not sure why everyone is so amazed and surprised by oscar, the death sensing cat.
animals are naturally more intuitive than humans, i think. hell, my cat can tell when i’m having a bad day better than anyone else. she can tell when i’m almost over the edge- she doesn’t leave my side, almost annoyingly so, on those days.
although i guess some cats are more sensitive or something than others. journey doesn’t respond to my moods the way Pandora does. then again, ‘dora’s been around me since she was a kitten, so that could have something to do with it.
bed time. opening the shop tomorrow. working 10a-3p. didn’t sleep much the last two nites. one, cuz my body is in nite shift mode and two, cuz i slept with Z and he basically windmills all night long. heh. karma, i guess, from all the nites i slept with H and wacked her in the face, etc, etc.

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I’m kinda of the same mind regarding Oscar. I ‘ve just always accepted that my cats and dogs are aware of things I’m not, so I don’t see it as such a stretch that some can predict death. I’m afraid most people really don’t give animals as much credit as they deserve.