
home from H’s.
Spent two days watching her kidlets. She was like “do you want me to have them in daycare while you’re here?”
uhm…..that kinda defeats the purpose of me coming to watch them, doesn’t it? *shrugs*
I took about a million pics of the peapod (her daughter) but haven’t photoshopped them yet, so.
got a speeding ticket on my way home. Cuz. Ya know. I can AFFORD such things. FUCK.
I thought I was in a 50mph zone (cuz I was on a detour route and wasn’t familiar with it.) but apparently it was 40mph. And I was going 54. UGH. I can’t get a hold of the people at the number I’m supposed to call to see what I have to pay.
I don’t speed. I’m not a habitual speeder. UGH.
I spend much of the drive home thinking about ramming my damn car into a tree.
But of course, no. Cuz i had to get home and help out at the store today and tomorrow. Which is where i am now.
And i can’t seem to pay my overdue loan online, but also can’t get a hold of the bank to figure out why not.
It scares me the amount of ppl who drive past the store staring at the porch. i wanna be like “dude…watch the ROAD” heh. whatever.

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Awww… what a cutie! 🙂 I Love that pic. & speeding ticket. Ugh. (((hugs)))