
the other day i cashed in a half a wine jug of pennies at one of those coinstar machines. got back $19.15. Plus, it takes 8/10 of a dollar or something like that for each dollar it counts. So, I figured that was about 2,000. I filled up the machine and couldn’t cash the rest of them in.

Just did, and this time got back $17.45 (1906 pennies- I looked before i turned the receipts in this time…) and $11.92 (1308 pennies.) (the machine jammed halfway thru, thus the two totals…)

So. 1915 + 172 + 1906 + 1308 = 5,301 pennies. So. Let’s see. Just save a penny and a half a day for 10 years and you, too, can have almost 55 dollars….heh.

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It’s better than losing them and getting no monies in return. Well done. =o)


So, you haven’t been writing for several days. How are you? Hugs

RYN: I’m still blushing at the note about me being a cute boy. RYN2: I’d never turn down a massage by someone with skilled hands. =o) Everything okay? It’s been awhile since you last updated.