finalllllly *edit**

…..figured out how to add a watermark! Tho it’s not a ‘digital watermark’ (as in, not digimarc and/or paid for)

aaaaaand. M rearranged things so I have some time off and hopefully won’t run myself quite so ragged. Well, actually I probably will, still. But I’ll be doing it by moving STILL, so at least that will be done. I guess it’s hard, cuz the place where I lived was uber cute, and a great deal for the money. But I just couldn’t afford it, even with it’s cheapness. *sigh*

It’s been fun hanging out with the kids in the daytime tho. Cuz usually I’d babysit in the evenings, and it was always rush rush rush from one thing to the next to the next and then dinner bath bed. But today RB and I played with neopets and SceneIt, and DB and I played a bunch of card games and it was lovely.

Ok. Few hours of rest before work. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have energy. And, I CAN take a long bath after work tomorrow, so I’ll at least have shaved legs, so I can take the kids to the pool and wear shorts. Heh. If it were just me, I’d wear shorts anyways. But DB is at a tender age, and she’s too polite to say anything, so I wouldn’t want to bring about embarassment. Even tho she’d prolly not care, some of her friends are…eh. And they’d prolly be quick to point out that “Ewww, DB’s babysitter has really hair legs!!!” So. I shall shave for her sake. Ah, the things I’d do for that kid 🙂 (gladly)

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June 26, 2007

Sweet and I like the picture… how did you do it???

** wondering when the last time I shaved my legs was ** ha ha


…sh…ave? shhhhave. huh. i’ll have to look that one up.

June 27, 2007
