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June 14, 2007

those, are the worst kind of headaches.

Sorry about the headache. I don’t know if Madagascar is big or not, but it sounds big.

*rubs small and oh so delicate circles on your temples, neck and shoulders* … *gives you an eye mask to shut out the light. Tucks you in to nap… and moves all your stuff for you while you rest* …*sigh*…

June 15, 2007
June 15, 2007

Damn…hate those kinds of headaches… *hugs*

I think Madagascar is an Island, but still pretty big. Feel better. *hugs*

June 15, 2007

Hope ya feel better soon. :o(

June 15, 2007


lol @ your note. & hey. *I* am not a republican. I have *never* voted republican–until this last election for governor–she is Democrat AND a woman. You have to know her previous four years in office were SO shitty in my opinion if it caused me to vote a straight republican ticket–AGAINST a woman for the first time in my life EVER. 🙂 Really. She sucks. Bad. & she was re-elected. UGH.

June 19, 2007

i am in the same boat, i think. sort of.