breakfast tea **edit**

So, just a quick entry before I get my butt in gear (cuz I did end up falling asleep for a few hours. And, unfortunately, woke to my back hurting worse than it had been the last few days??)

But. Anyhow. When I got done with work this morning, I figured I’d go over and hang out at M’s til RB woke up, and then maybe take him to breakfast, to let her sleep in. But she was already up and he was still asleep!

So I hung out anyways and eventually we did get to breakfast, at EnP. He was amazed at the buffet. He didn’t know what it was at first, and I was like “Uhm…kinda like a salad bar, only with breakfast stuff?” and his eyes lit up. 🙂 He ate about a ton of watermelon and kiwi. He loooooves his fruit!

And I had gotten tea and he asked if he could taste it, so he did and I practically had to pry it out of his hands to get it back 😉 So I let him have a cup (it was decaf, and I know he drinks tea at home sometimes) He put sweetener in his, instead of real sugar like I used. We couldn’t leave til he had finished it. “Don’t want to let the tea go to waste!”

We were just chatting and he was like “Do you *always* go out for breakfast?” and I said nope, usually only with friends. like you! and his eyebrow did its thing and blurted “But I’m your kid!” and then he heard what he said and his eyebrows were in a flurry. “Well. I’m sorta like your kid” he said. “Aren’t I?”

*grin* Yeah, RB, you sorta are. And he smiled and was like “ok, good!” Gawd I love that boy. 🙂

Here’s some pics. He didn’t know I was taking pictures til the last one, which I took cuz he said “take one of me drinking my tea!” They don’t do his expressions justice tho!

Trying to get the last bit of sweetener out of the package

I just about caught his eyeroll of delight

🙂 Enjoying his tea

oh, and a moth we saw on our way out of the house. Which led to our discussion of moths and how it could have been sleeping with its eyes open….

He’s sooooooo full of WHY these days. But it’s not the annoying kind, it’s the…”huh, I wonder how that happens…” kind. Like this morning before he was out of bed, I went upstairs and leaned down and lay my head on the pillow and was looking at his fish. A lot of the water was gone, and he asked how the water disappeared. So I said it evaporated. What’s evaporation? well…There was some condensation so I explained that, and the abridged version of the water cycle. And, I think part of why I love RB, and his sister too, is that…I dunno, they chew on these tidbits of information, til they figure them out. Cuz he was quiet for a while and then he was like “so…the fish water got all evaporated and filled up the air, and that’s why we had the bad storm?” Yep, kinda. 🙂 And then he was like “Well, then how come we don’t always feel wet, if there’s water in the air around us?” And I tried to explain humidity, but I don’t think he could bring forth the memory of humid days. That concept was a bit abstract. But, then he asked “sometimes, after you get a shower, and even after you dry off, do you still feel sorta wet?”

So. I think he was getting the hang of that concept. And then he asked where thunder and lightening came from. Hmm. I realized I had a vague idea, but no idea how to explain it. So I called his mum in and she knew a bit, but not in depth. I was sure they’d have a book about it, cuz they have books about everything, but I couldn’t find one in my mini-search. Will have to remember to look it up later. But not right now, cuz I need to get moving and move more stuff. Hopefully the aleve will kick in soon.

Another photo I took today. I have a bunch from the last few days, but haven’t had a chance to resize them. I forgot that I had resized this one….

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June 10, 2007

he sounds like a very bright boy! cute pictures!

June 10, 2007

🙂 Nice entry.

June 10, 2007

RYN: You’re most welcome my love. 🙂 Hugs.

…have you seen the movie “The Blue Butterfly”? It’s about –well an enormous & rare blue butterfly but there’s all sorts of bugs in it. It was a good film. (even if the bugs did kinda creep me out 🙂

…also, I love that “why/wonder” process. It’s the best. The “chewing” on tidbits of info & then talking a bit more about stuff. Nice. (((hugs)))

RB is adorable! Omigosh. Great pics. I am so loving your camera!

June 10, 2007

*hugs* no sorries… you’re busy… i’m busy… it’s all good. tell mr. RB that moths sleep all day, so he probably was right…. they are only usually awake at night. love you

He looks a bit like me at that age. Mostly the eyes and haircut. I’m isolated, I know, but what does EnP stand for? As always, I love the macro shots. That last one is spectacular!

June 14, 2007

hehe…you would NOT think humidity was abstract if you lived in the South. Here, you can SEE humidity at work!! Of course, he never would have had to ask “How come we’re not wet all the time?” either…