best laid plans

So much for my plans. Lost basically a whole day cuz first the seroquel knocked me out til midmorning, and then M needed someone to watch RB cuz he didn’t want to go to dinner with some other people and apparently was crying about it etc etc etc. And then I was just gonna take him with me while I moved stuff but there would’ve been nowhere for him to actually *be* since most of it at this point involves me going up and down the stairs about a hundred times and he’s in this phase where being out of his sight is apparently unacceptable.
And tonite I work. And hopefully the person who’s supposed to be here to watch him gets here in time for me to go get a shower before work cuz I’m grubby from what little I *did* get done before M called. — got my bed frame put together at the new place, and unpacked 4 boxes of dvd’s and cd’s. And finally decided on a configuration for the place. Wee.
I think I’m just going to not sleep the rest of the week, in order to be all moved by the 15th.

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Not sleep… at all? How about a catnap here and there?