dandelion wine

I should be getting ready to go to DB & RB’s dance recital. Or actually I should be packing dishes and moving stuff around the new place. But Jenn and I got the big bumper pool table out and also the large display case, so there’s a lot more room now. I feel good about that….Hopefully I can work all day tomorrow in here and maybe even start moving some of my stuff in sometime this week. Dunno how I’m gonna get the big stuff in. Eep. I’m not having second thoughts, but I *am* getting nervous about fitting all of my crap in here. But at the very worst, I’ll have to rent one of those storage shed things at one of those storage places. They can’t cost more than rent did, right? I’ll have to check out prices.

I haven’t told mum or H yet that I’m moving, lol. Cuz I want to have the new place all cleaned out first, and be sure that things are going to work out first.

I did ask E about filching wireless from her, and she’s totally ok with that. She asked me if I wanted cable too, but I don’t. I don’t think I ever really want cable again. It’s a waste of money. Especially since currently I can watch the only show I’m addicted to via the computer.

🙂 I’m sitting here in a really old creaky rocking chair staring out my new front door into the leaves of a tree that are whispering (loudly) in the wind. Yummy.

I need to take a picture of the barrel table that is staying in here, it’s really neat. But right now it’s covered with junk, heh.

Heheh While Jenn and I were moving the bumper table out, we discovered that her dad had glued the legs on (originally she thought they came off.) This created a problem fitting it thru the door. “No problem” she says, and proceeds to pry the door jamb thing off. It was funny. We put it back on when we were done.

I’m excited to have a place to put my dishes. Of course, I’ll have no stove (just a hot plate thing) but it’s not like I cook anyways. And I’m sure if I had the need to cook something in the oven, E would let me use hers, or I could go over to M’s and use hers.

I’m hoping I’ll be less overwhelmed with cleaning stuff too, since the place is so small. This is the plan, at least.

Oh well. I need to go home and shower, cuz I’m rather filthy, and then go watch the kiddos do their thing. RB is still in the groups where it’s mostly just the “Awwww how CUTE!!!” factor, but DB is past the cute factor and more in to the actual Dancer stage, so I’m excited to see her routines this year. Most of them were really quite good last year. (*grin* Of course, DB herself is ALWAYS excellent. But as a group, ya know?) Blah. I wish I could get them something. Flowers at least.

Oh well. Off to the showers.

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Ah… the front porch sounds like a great place to be. I’m so happy for you! =)

May 19, 2007

Your presence is the greatest present.