pics (big) and things –edit–

The pics are prolly pretty large, sorry about that. But I’m basking in their detail. heh.

So, I woke up this morning at like 715, which is relatively standard for me. Well, the alarm goes off at 630 and I’m generally able to actually wake up and turn it off by the time it goes off for the third time at 715 at least. Anyways. I wake up and can’t figure out why something feels odd. Then I figure it out….I’m supposed to attend an in-service at the psych center today!!! Oi frikkin vey. And it was the CPI Non-Violent Crisis Intervention one that I’m almost a year over due for.

So, I call work (school work) and let the LS teacher know I won’t be in, to make sure she gets my kid to her room for his finals he has to take today, and I jump in the shower and get to work (psych center) by 8, afraid that the in-service actually started at 730 even tho I have on my calendar that it starts at 8.

I walk in and Bill, the instructor, looks at me like….”what are you doing here??” And then he says “What are you doing here??” My jaw is flapping, I’m confused.

Apparently, this is the *full* course. (I only needed the refresher) The refresher course was on the 10th, not the 17th. fuuuuuuuuck. But, it works out ok, I’m ok with sitting thru the 8 hour full course because 1. I’m getting paid to be there and 2. It’s good stuff to know and 3. Bill’s a really excellent presenter.

Well, he adapts it a bit for me, and I’m out by 1, but Gracie caught me earlier and asked if I could stay and help her out, since she had gotten 12 new admits since yesterday. Oi. So of course I said yes. I did a few updates for her and managed to get out in time to pick Little up on time.

We went to the park and there was a group of menonites (?) there. Little was like “what kind of people are THEY??” and so I tried to explain a little bit to her, but she wasn’t really interested. Mostly she wanted to know if they were like black people. *sigh* So, needless to say there was a bit of staring going on. But all of the little girls with dresses and long plaits were staring right back at Little, who happened to be wearing pants. Pants with words printed across the butt, no less. heh. I tried to encourage Little to play with the other kids, but she didn’t want to. She tends to not socialize with other kids on the playground, no matter what kind they are, I’ve found. It’s always interesting when I have her and RB at the same time, cuz RB is…well, probably the least shy child I know, and he tries so hard to engage her in conversation or in whatever game he’s playing and she just kind of observes him like he’s some sort of alien creature. I have a feeling she probably isn’t the most popular kid in her class, to say the least. She’s only 6 but she’s bigger than DB, who is 10, so she looks at least 8 or 9 and she’s in the “stupid” class, she says. In the kindergarten group that probably doesn’t get to go to 1st grade next year, she says. So. I dunno.

Anyways. We played for a bit at the park and then went to the library and then I dropped her off. I was out all day from 745 til 730ish. Ugh. I’m tired.

But, good news in the mail when I got home– Apparently I won the Extra Shift award last month at work. Woo. It’s kinda funny, cuz my paycheck for the pay period was only like, 25 dollars (I’m not sure how I managed to get only 3 hours of work in?? I don’t remember that…I guess maybe it was cpr training?) but the extra shift award paycheck was for 50. (well, 50.01) Odd. But it’s 50 bucks I didn’t have in the budget, so yay!

Anyways. Here’s some pictures. They’re kinda big.

The little menonite kids all sorta stared at me while I was taking pictures of the flowers. I really wanted to take some pictures of them in all of their dresses and skechers (srsly. Almost all of them were wearing skechers.) but I wasn’t sure if they were similar to the amish in respects to photographs and I certainly didn’t want to offend or steal any souls or whatnot, so I didn’t. I’m sure I could’ve asked, but that also seemed weird. “Hey, I’m some random stranger. Can I take some pictures of your children…?” Yeah. A bit too creepy.

I enjoyed picking the dandelions and blowing the fluff off. Sending all of those seeds in to the world for people to catch and wish on.

Rain on my windshield. Uncropped, but I made the image size smaller.

A piece of the rainy windshield, cropped and then made smaller. I like that it shows the tree– that’s the tree I’m always taking pictures of, only from the parking lot rather than from my balcony.

This is just…crazy. It’s like a special effect, but it’s NOT. It’s just a picture I took!!! It’s my apartment, a zillion times over and upside down. Have I mentioned I love this camera???????

Uhm. Just a bit of advice, or a statement maybe?
I am pretty sure no one is reading/noting from a cell phone. So…like….take the extra 8 seconds to find the s and the e. They’re real close to the c. Please be intelligent enough to know the rules before attempting to break them, kthxbye.

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Wow! I’d love an entire note card set of these photos! They’re fabulous. Reading about you needing to take the non-violent crisis intervention refresher reminded me of when I took the course back when I worked with young adults who had mental illness and substance abuse issues between the ages of 18 and 21 who were living on their own for the first time. That was an amazing year of my life!

hi i 2 like your pictures! hey com by my page and c my page!

May 17, 2007

found you on random…love the pictures!

u mene u dont lik to decifer mssgs? LOL ** giggling **

Ok. I am SO asking for a new camera for my birthday–dang, already passed… anniversary–oh, too soon… ok, xmas!! 🙂 this year! 🙂

May 19, 2007

The dandelion photo is LOVELY! Are you a member of ? xxx

June 7, 2007

those are super neat!