sex has consequences *edit*

Ok, I’ve wanted to bitch about the front page ad for a while now. I didn’t/hadn’t cuz I thought, well, even tho I’m not a teen and whatever, I shouldn’t bitch about the ugly black box that’s there every time I log on cuz maybe some of the teens take it and learn something from it.

But right now I want to bitch about it. Cuz I JUST noticed…it has the symbol for female on it. But not the one for male…..

I sent a note to the DM, just cuz:

it’s kind of offensive that the giant black teen pregnancy quiz that we ALL have to look at, teens or not, has a female symbol on it, but not a male one. I know you didn’t make the ad and etc etc etc

But ya know, girls don’t get pregnant alone. Girls aren’t the only ones who have the sex. Of course every girl has the right to say no, but every boy also has the obligation to not pressure the girl.

And just as every girl doesn’t always say no, not every boy stops pressuring.

I’m just sayin.

Sure, it’s the girl who gets pregnant. But, uh, Hi. Can’t do that without a BOY too.

Do you think there’d be as many teen pregnancies if it were boys who were sexually objectified in the media instead of girls?

Do you think there’d be as many teen pregnancies if boys weren’t subliminally taught that sex with women equals power, that sex with women equals conquering, that sex with women makes you a man?

I know, it’s kind of ironic and hypocritical that I just finished watching one of my favourite movies of all time (Pretty Woman) and am not bitching about male/female sex roles in society. But ya know, it’s funny….I always loved the movie cuz I adore Julia Roberts, not cuz I believed she “got the fairy tale.” My favourite moment? When she tells Kit how much potential she has. Sisters supporting sisters. (Oh my gawd why did it take me 22 years to figure out I was a lesbian? LOL!!!!!!!!!)

I’m not protesting that the ugly black box should be removed or anything. Just stating my opinions on it.

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May 6, 2007

I’m not sure how far you really go w/ ur opinions on the male vs. female issue but I do hope you’re one of those who searches for equality and not special treatment. Reverse discrimination in all areas is especially prevalent these days. Be well and keep shouting out those opinions loud and clear! <3

May 6, 2007

I agree with what you are saying. I also feel There are no obligations for a man for pregnancy yet the woman has to accept all liability. There is definately a huge gap in gender roles and perceptions which formulate attitudes in society, We still have a long way to go… You know one thing i can think of is when that female teacher got busted for sleeping with a 15 year old school boy.

May 6, 2007

And what happened when a male teacher got done for sleeping with a 14 year old female student. Definately an astonoshining contrast. The boy was appluaded for banging a MILF and the male teacher slammed for messing up a poor girl’s life…. didnt seem fair.

May 6, 2007

you yell for what you believe honey

May 6, 2007

i hate that stupid f*cking ad. i learned that i could log on through a special OD+ that doesn’t show *any* ads. xox *~

I wonder how many notes the DM has received, similar to yours?

May 7, 2007

I like this entry. There seems to be a lot of bad press about sex, even though it can build strong emotional bonds between people, it’s a good form of exercise and it boosts your immune system! Sex is a good thing, if done right 🙂 xxx PS. I’m adding you to my faves, hope this is ok! xxx