craziest dream EVER


I just had the craziest dream EVER. It started out as a like…I dunno, YaYa Sisterhood-esque.

So it was M and me and I don’t know who the other ladies women were. Feminists, all. They were all older, I think. And we were in a giant house– sorta FH’ish…tho it was a partially live-here house and partially an antique store kind of house.

So at one point tho it turned from like, older women having a grand old reuninion into a hitman mission? I think? At one point there was a jailbreak involving a wheelchair with huge flippable wheels. Like, in my dream I remember the point of the huge wheels (they were as tall as a standing person) was to *prevent* escape, or to prevent the chair from being used as a weapon. And then the woman (she was part of the yaya-esque gang) and another woman, also part of the gang, were speeding down out of the jail and the non-wheelchair-bound was like “what are we gonna do??” and the one in the chair was like “They convert!! get back on!” (there was a seat on the back, apparently. Or not a seat, but a standing place for someone to ride.) They made their way back to the others. Except the thing was, the others were all gathered at a baby christening anniversary? (RB’s, actually.) And…J was the minister person. All in white robes. Except she had a “love your boobies” pin on and a pin that said she was a minister person. And her church was this old kind of secret hideout.

Anyways. So everyone is gathered there and then the wheelchair woman and her sidekick show up and much rejoicing ensues.

The timeline is weird, of course. I can’t remember if it was before, or after, but things were bad at the house. People were wounded, someone had lost their shoes. I was one of the wounded.

Then I was at M’s house, I think, and it was snowing really bad and people weren’t allowed to walk on the streets, and other people were walking along handing out cards saying no walking cuz the snow was so dangerous. I had on my new boots, but the soles were made of slick leather and I kept gliding past my car. There was a demonstration going on, too— a bunch or marchers who were marching because they wouldn’t be held down by people who said they couldn’t walk in the snow.

And then I slid to in front of J’s church. It was night time and no one was there, tho a cat, that was hers, was laying out front. It’s name was…brownie? Something. And I went in the church to get warm except I wasn’t supposed to be there and then some girls came in and one was like “I just need to go to the bathroom” and I lied and was like “oh yeah, that’s why i came in too…” and she asked where it was and I pointed to two rooms and she was like “I don’t see it…” except I didn’t know which room, cuz I hadn’t really just gone! And then I needed to leave but I didn’t want them to mess the place up and they were like “oh no, of course we won’t!!! This is where we come to smoke pot all the time!” So I knew it was ok. (???)

And then I was outside again and I wanted to get the cat inside, but he wouldn’t let me, when I tried he kept moving away and I didn’t want to scare him away, so I left him be, hoping he’d go in on his own and not freeze to death.

This is where it turns really odd. Cuz now is when people start being hitmen. And I don’t remember much of the inbetween, but eventually it turns out that J was the one calling the hits, and she was instrucing someone (I don’t thing it was me) that they better do the job or they’d be dead. (And she was still pretending to be a minister, no one else knew she was a killer on the side…)

And then there was one last job to do and the assigned person had messed up once and this was their last chance and she was like “i know, I know, I’ll get it done’ and she had to go to wally world the day after christmas….?????

And then it was the street in front of the church and J was shooting at people and I was supposed to kill the person I was assigned to, but…J was the one giving the order AND the one I was supposed to kill? I think? Huh. But I couldn’t. And we were outside the church and M was saying something about seeing an angel when she was younger, who told her something and I was like “Well, I see the angel now (it was a picture??) and it’s telling me _______” (the opposite, I think. something about going in to the church?)

Anyhow, I didn’t end up shooting J, even tho I was supposed to.

And at some other point, we were IN the church, and service was going on. And one of her kids was there and kept laughing, like when J was talking about smoking, and the kid was like “of course, I’m totally against smoking and all of that stuff” and then I don’t remember now if it was her who laughed or I who laughed. I think it mighta been me, cuz the church was actuallykind of a court setting? Like the kid had been…on the stand? And then I had to go on the stand? But then I wasn’t. And J called someone else up, someone who had gotten a christmas card, first. But after that then I knew it would be my turn.

And I think I told about how I tried to save her cat (who was there and who was ok) and she was grateful for that, I could tell by her expression.

I don’t remember what else happened.

Of course, this whole dream took place in not much time, since I didn’t even get to sleep until like, 5am. And was up again at 830ish. Apparently sleep isn’t something my body wants to do, even tho it’s fucking TIRED. oh my gawd, all i wanted was to fall asleep. And I was hoping I’d sleep fine, cuz I usually do at M’s, her guest bed is uber comfortable. But no such luck.

Lah. Hafta get to work. Was gonna go to DB’s softball game, but was just too tired, and I need to be at the FH by 10. And I have to go home and change first. Lah.

I think my psyche is fucked up. That’s what I think.

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May 5, 2007

hmm…. that was interesting. *hugs* be good to you.