what kinda sucks…..


Living on a third floor apartment next to the tallest building in town during a tornado watch.

With any luck tho, any lightning that sees fit to hit the area will aim itself at 1. the taller buildings (the courthouse or church) or 2. the metal (?) cross on the church next door.

Of course, that might not be good either, since if I were to crawl on my roof, I could touch the thing. Hmm.

Does it say something about my state of mind that my first thought was “well, if a tornado hits, at least I won’t have to clean my apartment, cuz the contents will be splattered across the county”

My second thoughts was the impulse to put the cats in a box in…uhm…under the bed (being that the apartment is a renovated attic, all of the closets are pretty much just cubbies under the eaves….) to keep *them* safe. heh.

They’re both sticking pretty close to me at the moment, although that could just be cuz I closed all the windows and the door, which also sucks cuz the rain smelled nice. But it is blowing sideways and soaking the floor.

I don’t remember tornado warnings in past years. But that could be cuz I lived in a giant concrete building and didn’t pay much attention.

Oh, fuck. The fire whistle just went off. Hopefully it just means there’s a fire and not a lightening strike. Did you know you can spell lightning both ways? Oh, no, the radio just said the fire crews are out going for downed trees. But would they sound the fire alarm for that?

Another semi good thing is that the radio keeps getting interrupted by the news guy. Who speaks only slightly better than the annoying-as-fuck dj. Seriously, I’ve never heard a dj as horribly bad as the guy on this radio station. Most of them are fine. But this one is a jackass. And he’s not even a jackass with a pleasing voice. He’s just a jackass.

I’m in love with this song:

Day to day
Where do you want to be?
‘Cos now you’re trying to pick a fight
With everyone you need

You seem like a soldier
Who’s lost his composure
You’re wounded and playing a waiting game
In no-man’s land no-one’s to blame

See the world
Find an old fashioned girl
And when all’s been said and done
It’s the things that are given, not won
Are the things that you want

Empty handed, surrounded by a senseless scene
With nothing of significance
Besides a shadow of a dream
You sound like an old joke
You’re worn-out, a bit broke
An’ askin me time and time again
When the answer’s still the same

See the world
Find an old fashioned girl
And when all’s been said and done
It’s the things that are given, not won
Are the things that you want

You’ve got a chance to put things right
So how’s it going to be?
Lay down your arms now
And put us beyond doubt
So reach out it’s not too far away
Don’t mess around now, don’t delay
-Gomez, “See the World”

If J were to sing, this is, I imagine, the kind of song she’d sing me.

It’s odd to see lightening strike across a blue sky….?

Ahhhhh…..Kyrie by Mister Mister. OMGWTFBBQ!!1!!! I love this song.

What was I babbling about? *scrolls*

Nothing very interesting. Still hear thunder, but the sky is blue and it’s stopped raining. P’raps we’re in the eye. WoOt? lah.

*turns up the song and goes off to play Sims til the laptop battery dies*

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Oh wow. I’d forgotten about that song (Kyrie). 🙂 I love that song too. …stay safe… xxoo,

May 1, 2007

Randoming around… I’d always heard you should open windows in a tornado because of the pressure changes. Something about the glass shattering inward? Have a fun tornado watch!

I hope you’re okay. If it comes to it, put the cats in a box and take them into the bathroom. The extra pipes in the wall are supposed to help reinforce it. RYN: I’m not sure how long the drive to Pittsburgh is, but I’m thinking around 3 hours.