Running With Scissors

Wow, what a fucked up, crazy movie.

Now I need to read all of Augusten Burrows’ books.

Went to see the baby yesterday. She’s such a little peanut!

I’m exhausted.

But have a monumental To Do list. Or at least it feels as such.

– return animals to Julie
– clean Kleio’s cage
– return movies to library
– renew license (mum gave me a check specifically to do so.)
– deposit pay check
– put clean laundry away
– do the laundry (and then put that laundry away.)
– cat pans
– clean out fridge
– vacuum
– finish work notes
– various thank you cards need to be made/distributed
– photoshop pics so i can post them

tho I tried to do the license thing today, but the dmv was closed. Only thing that’s gonna get done is returning the animals and the videos. And then I’m going to bed.

I’m pretty sure I’ve passed out of the realm of the living. And I’m ok with that. Existing in this world is achievable when one becomes numb to nearly everything in most prominent reality. Call it apathy. Call it depression. Call it forced ignorance. Call it laziness. I don’t really care what it’s called.

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April 16, 2007

Hmmmm…you’re in that stage of “I don’t care…and I don’t care that I don’t care”….yeah, been there…done that. So sorry….*hugs*….