
You Are 20% Healthy
Your diet is freakishly unhealthy. It’s amazing you’re still alive!
Stop subsisting on white bread and candy – and consider eating a vegetable once and a while.How Healthy Is Your Diet?


And in other news, Today’s Mail: Car Insurance bill.

AND!!! One of the bills I tried to actually take care of? (As in, called them and thought I had something worked out…)….yeah, come home and see that a collection company has called me THREE times to discuss the matter.

I should be laughing.

But I’m not.

I’m tired of bitching about money. but this is my space and I will therefore continue to do so.

The end.

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March 29, 2007

hah 20% healthy, nice!! bitch about $$ all you want, noone in real life really wants to hear about it so why not blog about it.

March 29, 2007

whoa…i’m 92% healthy. what a geek. *~

Bitch away, sweetheart. Bitch away! =o)

March 29, 2007

LOL…that made me laugh (about the healthy survey, not the money sitch)… And hell yeah…you can bitch about whateva the heck you want on OD…you go right ahead! take care…

RYN: 1) I’ll explain it in my entry tonight. 2) No, I didn’t. 3) No, I don’t. But my friend, Monkey Girl, has quite a few. 4) Sure. What would you like? =o)

March 30, 2007

Vegetable? What the hell is that?? *grin* RYN: Yes, Emily was very cute in a trash-mouthed sort of way. YOu would have loved her!!

…I was just thinking yesterday that I rarely make my kids eat veggies. I put them IN stuff (sometimes) and we eat lots of tomato based… stuff. And I push the real fruit juices (that are sickeningly expensive) and… vitamins. But I was feeling kind of “bad mom” the other day… but then thought… ‘eh. IF I do veggies anymore they’re likely to be canned anyway & with all the talk about

soil depletion & how the food that is grown anymore really isn’t all that FULL like it “used to be” and then they CAN IT… do you think it even matters that I don’t do veggies as much as I should?? 🙂 ACK. And money. More ACK. ((((love you. mean it))))

RYN: Yeah, I like to do that from time to time. =oP