
I should be at work.

But I woke up late, once again, and couldn’t fight with myself to drag my arse there late AGAIN.

This, accompanied by a headache that makes me want to crack my skull open just to relieve some of the pressure, and the fact that what I thought were allergies are apparently not (as evidenced by the sore throat, green chunky mucous, and bits of blood that come out of my throat when I cough really hard), made it all the easier to convince myself to take some nyquil and go back to bed.

I’m failing at life and can’t remember why I’m supposed to care about it.

but whatever.

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Caring is what you do.

March 28, 2007

trephening is vert messy. i don’t recommend it. xoxo *~

March 28, 2007

ryn: it’s a good word 🙂 *~

March 28, 2007

awwwwwwwww… I hope u feel better! and the blood cough thing, that’s not ur standard cold. just so u no, that usually means something really bad. but i’m not really a doctor, so………. idk. i just know it’s not good.

March 28, 2007

*hugs* yucky stuff going around…. love you. be safe.