
As I was going about my business last nite, my first nite working at the psych center in nearly 7 months, it occurred to me that it had been a year since I was a patient. Ironically, one of the newer employees (he had just started around the last time I worked) is Ed. Ed is the nurse who did my admission when I was admitted to the hospital last year. At one point during the night, Dawn turned to me and him and was like “Oh, do you know [Echo]?” And he replied that, yes, I had worked a few nights during his orientation, which is true. I almost said “Yes, actually, we met exactly a year ago today….”

So a year has passed. In that year I made some incredible progress, I’d like to think. And in that year, I’ve also fallen back almost as far as I was when I went IP. It’s been a struggle to NOT go IP again these last few weeks. A real struggle. Life is weird.

I never wrote a birthday entry. I was gonna wait til I had some pictures to go with it, but I dunno when AJ will have time to send them to me and she’s having a rough time of it too, so I don’t wanna pester. *sigh*

She got me lovely, lovely gifts! The 4th season of The X-Files on DVD, and a bunch of books that were on my Wishlist. She even got me a copy of J’s book! And had J sign it *smiles* She put an amazingly wonderful inscription in it which I know I’ll treasure for always. I’m of the opinion that when you gift a book, you should always add a few words of your own inside. It’s just one of my quirks. I have a thing with Marking the Moment, I guess.

She also got me a cute little Boynton book (I want to be your personal penguin *grin*)Anger and Peace is Every Step by Tich Nacht Han (i can never spell his name) which reminds me, I have a whole bunch of J’s stuff that I need to give back to her, including her copy of that!

I’m exhausted. Night shift kicked my arse. Oi.

I went to wally world after work. Spent $77 bucks. UGH. But it was all food (my cupboards were empty) for me and the cats. And cat litter. And toothpaste and conditioner. I really fucking hate that I feel GUILTY for buying TOOTHPASTE. I stood there thinking “how essential IS this….” UGH. Now we pray that the check M gave me clears before the Wally World check does.

fuckin’ money. bleh.

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March 24, 2007

I love the personal penguin book! I just discovered it the other day when shopping for a friend’s baby. Happy belated birthday.

ryn: Yup, that’s my Lola. 🙂

March 24, 2007

x-files WOOT! *~

You know, if I lived closer, I’d come over and watch The X-Files with you.

March 25, 2007