
Yoga canceled today. *sighs*

1. Have you ever shaved your head? no way

2. Do you have hairy legs…right now? at the moment, yes

3. Have you ever changed your own oil? nope

4. Have you ever changed a tire? yes

5. Do you have a favorite football team? no

6. Do you own boys jeans? yes

7. Do you wear boxers? sometimes to bed

8. Have you ever owned a rodent/ reptile? yes in the past/yes, currently!

9. Have you ever owned a SUV or a Subaru? no

10. Do you wear sports bras? on very rare occasions

11. Do you go by your last name? at times

12. Do you prefer beer? blech, no!

13. Have you played sports since high school? Didn’t play them IN high school, lol. No.

14. Do you carry a wallet? uhm…it’s not really a wallet, more like one of those id holders from college with my vital cards in it

15. Have you ever watched the L word or queer as folk? L word yes, queer as folk no

16. Have you ever watched Sunday football? not intentionally

17. Do you wear basball hats? yeah, tho they don’t have baseball logos on them of course.

18. Do you chug beer for fun? nope

19. Do you prefer straight shots over girly (mixed)shots? don’t do shots that often to know the difference

20. Do you hate George Bush/ Republicans? hate W, but not republicans.

21. Do you like Ani Difranco? Hell yeah!

22. Have you been to Lilith Fair? Yep, once

23. Have you ever punched, or wrestled with a friend for fun? not that I recall

24. Have you ever worn a strap on? uh, no

25. Is your watch wider than a half inch? uhm, I don’t think so

26. Do you wear shorts that hang below your knees? probably

27. Do you own a fleece vest? no, but I often consider getting one

28. Do you own a motorcycle? no

29. Ever dressed in drag? not fully

30. Do you play video games? on the computer

31. Do you have a tattoo that matches a girl you dated, says her name, or is a picture of her? was gonna get one that matched with AJ, but she decided not to

32. Ever moved in with someone within the first month of dating? no

33. Ever said you loved someone you were dating within the first month of dating? yes

34. Do you wear cologne? only if spray body mist counts

35. Do you wear mens deodorant? no

36. Do you listen to Melissa Etheridge? yep

37. Do you have gauged ears? nope

38. Do you have tattoos on your arms? not at the moment, but by this time tomorrow I will!!!!!!!!!!!!

39. Have you ever worn a tie? yep

40. Do you own Gia? VHS and DVD *grin*

41. Do you own Better than Chocolate? No but I’ve seen it

42. Do you have a star tattoo? no

43. Do you have a rainbow tattoo? no

44. Have you ever made out with a room mate or best friend? no

45. Do you wear wife beaters? no

46. Have you ever taken a womens studies class? yep

47. Do you wear mens button up shirts? yep

48. Have you ever asked a stranger their sign? nope

49. Have you ever used a sex toy on someone else? no!

50. Do you wear tennis shoes/ skate shoes regularly? yes

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February 7, 2007

what kind of quiz is this? I answered yes to some funny questions… btw – awake now – needed to eat

Did you get a toaster oven after answering these questions? -bc