fish food!

Oops. I almost just fed my fish 50mg of Seroquel, lol!!! Apparently today’s not my day for multi-tasking. Thankfully I didn’t end up eating an algae pellet and the fish didn’t get any anti psychotics.

At least, not tonite. Oi.

My laptop is annoying me. The “.” key sticks, so I have to hit it twice as hard, and it’s not in the most convenient place to have to always be jabbing it extra. Oh well.

I have a huge headache. Lah.

Log in to write a note

I hope your head feels better soon. =o(

February 7, 2007

HA! ryn: your notes always make me feel like you’re doing that… xoxo *~

yeah that Seroquel is one mean anti-psychotic drug machine. i was prescribed that once. almost murdered my soul too. no one would believe me. they listened to the NYU doctors. the drugs just make u worse as richard would declare.