baby got back

la la la
I’m soooooooo in love with this yoga class I’m taking. Seriously.

The Dancer’s Shop was having a 40% off winter clearance sale, so I perused around, looking for some comfy clothes to wear to yoga and I found an awesome pair of black spandexish pants. They’re dancer pants, of course, which means they’re like, skin tight on the top. (They’re called “body huggers”- that’s the brand at least) And as soon as I put them on I was in love. And they were 40% off, so I bought them. (Cuz I can wear them for yoga but also for work. WoOt.) AAAAAAAA they’re so comfy. And I was looking at myself in the mirror and I realized that I have a rather not-horrible butt.

I’m not concerned with my body image, and never have been really (other than the scars, but that’s a different thing altogether). But technically I’m overweight for my height (obese, actually, according to the charts!), so sometimes it’s surprising for me to look in the mirror and think “wow, you look pretty good!” body-wise. I do have nice legs- the lower half, at least. Could use less thighness, but otherwise, not bad.

Need to get rid of the tummy and I might actually classify as In Shape. Ooooo. Haven’t been that since pre-thyroidectomy!

After yoga, M and I went to MC and had bagels and coffee/chi and gabbed and gabbed. Well, she gabbed mostly, which is fine by me as I enjoy listening 🙂 It’s so nice to spend time with her again. And I guess it’s kinda selfish of me, but that’s one of the reasons I was kinda glad to see E move out. I just couldn’t handle the tension or the possibility of tension that was always looming over the house. It very well coulda been all in my head, but whatever it was, it made me skittish. Now I can drop by randomly again and not feel like I’ve just interrupted a fight or whatever. It’s nice to be back 🙂

Dora’s on my lap eating my hair and nuzzling my face, so I’m guessing she 1. wants food or 2. would like me to clean the litter box. She’s not very subtle about it. 🙂

I was running late out the door this morning and who was standing outside my foyer when I barged out but my night shift supervisor, Donna!! She had brought over my xmas present- she gets little packages from the majorexpensive candy shop in town for all her night shift crew each year- and she said she’d had mine forever and was on her way home from work today and stopped by to drop it off. She’s so wonderful. *smiles*

Good things, good things 🙂

Oi, I realized that braiding my own hair has become a challenge!! Well, at least, braiding it without ponytailing it first. It’s sooo long and it hurts my one shoulder to bend the way I need to. But I can’t ponytail it for yoga cuz then when we’re doing any layingdownonourback poses, it’s uncomfortable. Last week I had been at M’s before hand and she did it for me, and I was gonna ask her this week too, but she was running late. :/ Luckily J was there, so I finally asked her to finish it for me, and she did, cuz she’s wonderful like that. 🙂

Ohmygosh I can’t believe how good I feel after this silly class!!!! 🙂 lol.

Tomorrow the Little comes over again. Need to think of something to do with her. Maybe I’ll grab some old paper from work tomorrow and bring it home and we can paint!! That would be fun. Woot. Will also drag out an old sheet and put it on the floor so we can be messy while we paint, cuz what’s the fun of having to be tidy?!!! 😀

Wee. M’s gonna pick me up in a few minutes and we’re gonna go listen to Anthony sing the national anthem at the basketball game. Anthony is RB’s God-father. He works for the Met. We went out to dinner with him and the basketball coach and the bball coach’s family (Anthony is giving some lessons to their daughter, who is applying to grad schools). It was lovely!


Gonna go and try to call AJ cuz I misssss herrrrrrrrrrrrrr. *pout*

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January 10, 2007

*wolf whistle* *cat call*

January 10, 2007

all the happy endorphins must be flowing 🙂

January 10, 2007

what kind of yoga is it? *~

I did some yago for a couple of my acting classes. I really miss it. =o/

you make me smile 🙂

January 11, 2007

x-files! drool. i loved that show. yoga-let’s see. there’s a lot of different kinds. i’m guessing you’re doing “ashtanga” style…or maybe “hatha”? do you do a lot of sun salutations? i’m starting to like yoga again after a few years of hating it. i go in cycles with it. in undergrad i loved it, then totally fell out of love…and am now starting to like it again. xoxo *~