
I’m exhausted.

I need to mail my rent check.

I need to clean my room.

I am donating my car (the one that no longer goes vroom) to the American Cancer Society. I know that technically I should try to sell it for at least a few hundred bucks. But this makes me feel better. Random acts of kindness and all that jazz. (I know I sound flippant, but I’m not. I do try to practice altruism when I’m able.)

I still call my cat “baby girl” even tho she’s no longer a baby, not to mention the fact that it’s a ridiculous term of endearment. heh.

I just drank out of the wrong can of root beer on my desk and am trying to not think about how very long the old one has been sitting there.

I am exhausted and keep getting distracted/zoned out by the goldfishes. The light glints off them just so, and it’s just….shiny. 🙂 I like shiny things.

I have to be awake in 5 hours. heh. Not gonna happen. *sigh*

My lab results came back relatively normal, so it’s probable that I don’t have any cysts on my ovaries. hoo. ray. *rolls eyes* Wish I could donate them to the American Cancer Society. (the ovaries, not the nonexistent cysts.) It also means I can not worry so much about making an appt to see a gyne for another few years. heh. :p My total cholesterol is 176. WoOt.

TMI slips out when I’m exhausted.

Work (psych center) now has a memo out saying “nominate your spouse” for “Spouse of the Year”….wonder whose bright idea that was, heh. Wonder what they’d do if I nominated AJ….*giggolz*

My oldest neice found me on MySpace and added me as a friend. That makes me happy. Even tho it’s been years since I’ve seen her, or her sibs. Oops. And I’ve never even seen her 2 yr old son.

I’m going to bed now I think.

And, I’ve decided I’m apparently not built for relationships. I suck at them, all of them. Family ones, friend ones, significant other ones, self ones, therapy ones.

I just need to quit hurting people and move to some remote place where no one knows me and be a fuckin’ crazy old spinster with a dozen cats and lizards and what all ever else. Cuz no matter how hard I think I’m trying, it’s apparently never hard enough.


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November 30, 2006

eeeew…old rootbeer is the worst. you’re not bad at relationships. no worse than anyone else. i’ve been slowly realizing that there are a lot of people (MOST people, in fact) that have some sort of problem with their relationships…we just don’t see it out in public. i’m always shocked to talk to people about their relationship lives because *GASP* they’re usually not perfect. it makes me feel better about the crap that’s happened in my life in the past few years regarding people in my life. i dunno. i dunno if that helped…i love you, anyway. xoxo *~
