Too much work…

Ugh. Ok. I am overworking myself, I know this. But I need to get a handle on the bills, so. Maybe this will help me do it. If I can get caught up, now that I have the TSS job that is full time with a relatively steady pay, maybe I can *stay* caught up and even, gawd forbid, get a little bit ahead. heh.

Plus, I just had a week off from TSS which means I don’t get paid for a week. bleh.

Anyways. The schedule for this week is/was:

10am- drive home from AJ’s
12-330p- learn the ropes at Elisabeth’s store

10a-445p- work at the psych center for Grace
5-630p- babysit RB

7a-330p- TSS
430p-11p @ the latest- psych center for Grace

7a-300p- TSS
430p-11p @ the latest- psych center for Grace

7a-300- TSS
3-6p- Babysit RB & DB
6p-9p- Babysit K & Bina

9a-3p- Babysit for K & Bina

Oh dear lord, let me be able to SLEEP

Working at Elisabeth’s is fun tho. They have an antiques/bookstore/spiffy stuff store. It’s easy stuff, of course. And the nice thing is, I don’t have to claim it, cuz it’s technically babysitting, since the girls are usually there. So I keep them occupied and ring people up if I happen to be near the register when they need rung up.

And I’m glad to be able to help Grace & Julieanna. I’m worried about Julieanna tho. She passed out at work the other day. She’s pregnant and due in a few weeks. So they don’t think she’ll be back til after the baby is born. I hope not- that place, that job in particular, is too stressful for her to keep doing right up until her due date. It’s a whole lot of running around and dealing with dipwads and such. Sometimes when we don’t stop, our bodies stop us I guess.

It’s like PreggoLand at work. 3 people all due around the same time. One of them was standing outside smoking the last time I saw her. It made me really, really angry. ESPECIALLY since she was a classmate of mine- meaning she knows just as much as I do from nursing school about how detrimental smoking can be. How can you, in good conscience knowing what we know– having seen the statistics and pictures and products we’d seen– stand there and SMOKE?

I mean, I get that it’s an addiction. But jesus. At least replace it with something less harmful while you’re pregnant, PLEASE?? Something less harmful to the baby.

I was going to go to bed 2 hours ago, but then I remembered that I had to write up a thing for my TSS kid to say for a presentation he has to give tomorrow. So I ended up putting in a movie while I was doing that. Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Tho I didn’t really watch it, just listened. I will watch it more attentively later this week or sometime. I adore NetFlix.

Which reminds me, my credit card expires at the end of November and I haven’t gotten a new one yet. Hrm. That’s not good. Even tho I try to not use it unless necessary, I still like to have it. Especially since my foodstamps are now gone cuz apparently I make too much money to qualify for them. Which is kinda funny. Cuz sure, I make enough money to pay for food. But not enough to pay for food *and* gas. So. Do I not eat or do I not go to work to make more money?

Neither. I say YES to any money-making opportunity that is offered, even if it means running myself ragged, which I’ve really been trying to avoid. That whole Self Care thing J has been trying for years to get me to do. lah.

Which reminds me, I need to call the Dr tomorrow and make sure my lab results are all ok. wee. I was considering asking her to up my Effexor while I was there, but decided against it. Dunno why. Ugh. I’ve been bad about taking my meds for the past week or two for some reason. It’s not been on purpose, just when I’m not getting up for work every day at approximately the same time and following my morning routine, I forget the meds. I hate having to take them, but I have been trying really hard to stay on them cuz I do know they’re helping at least some.

Whoa, so I was at work today and the HR lady introduces me to a new night shift nurse. I can’t help but think that he looks terribly familiar but can’t remember for the life of me how, and I was going to ask him where I knew him from but I was in a hurry so I didn’t. And as I was walking away, it hit me- he was the nurse who did my admission when I went IP. heh. Wonder why he’s switching hospitals. That place can’t be near as hellish as the psych center here. Wish I could warn him!!!

There’s a rumour out there that they’re getting rid of all MHT’s and LPN’s on nites and just keeping RN’s and Jeff & Kathy (MHT’s who’ve both worked there since the place nearly opened.) I’m thinking they’d prolly not lay me off since I work so infrequently anyways, and just keep me on payroll in case they needed coverage. Or they might lay me off. Which right now wouldn’t be a big deal since I only work 2 nites a month or so. But come summer I’d be shit out of luck, since my kid doesn’t need/use TSS over the summer. Wonder if I’d get another kid to work with or if I’ll just be SOL. Hopefully I won’t have to end up working at McDonald’s. No offense to anyone who does, but it’s always been a sort of personal goal of mine to NEVER work fast food. Food service would be ok, like a restaurant like ENP or whatever. But not fast food.

Gah I’m tired. I need to go to bed. I think the seroquel doesn’t work effectively anymore. So instead of taking 2 of those at bedtime, I take a seroquel and an ativan sometimes. The seroquel might not be working cuz I don’t take it every nite, like I had been. But some nites I just don’t get to bed early enough and then I can’t get up in the morning. (Prolly cuz I worry too much that I’ll not be able to get up in the morning that I don’t sleep well…)

Anyways, I like the ativan more anyways, cuz I can take it and still function.

I have a headache. And I miss AJ. *sigh*

But I got a new fishie while I was visiting her. Two, actually! A pretty fantail goldfish and a teeny little albino catfish. They don’t have names yet. I also got Kleio a kewl climby thing, yay!

I should take pictures.

Anyways. Meds, bed. WoOt.

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*hugs* Just remember to breathe whenever possible. RYN: I hadn’t thought about it, but she could be.

…when I was taking effexor I couldn’t NOT take it or I’d be wigging out (nearly quite literally) within an hour or so past my regular “dosing” time… USUALLY I would get that edgy feeling a few hours before it was time to take it–which would generally insure that I wouldn’t forget. …and the smoking thing & being pregnant. …speaking as someone who’s been there/done that in terms of being a smoker & getting pregnant–there was NO way I would/could subject my baby to smoking. So I just quit. (well actually I quit BEFORE I got pregnant so that the whole “environment” would be as beneficial as possible going in) Yeah, so I don’t GET that smoking while prego thing. Of course the SMELL of it ANYwhere made me ILL while I was so that helped. I used to make J wash hands & face and brush teeth before bed cuz it smelled so awful to me. *g*

November 29, 2006

breathing’s good…resting, too. if you can’t sleep, try to lay still? you don’t have to be pregnant to pass out.